Microsoft Intune helps organizations manage access to corporate apps, data, and resources. Company Portal is the app that lets you, as an employee of your company, securely access those resources. Before you can use this app, make sure your IT admin has set up your work account. Your compa...
Company Portal is the app that lets you, as an employee of your company, securely access those resources. Before you can use this app, make sure your IT admin has set up your work account. Your company must also have a subscription to Microsoft Intune. Company Portal helps simplify the ...
Microsoft Intune helps organizations manage access to corporate apps, data, and resources. Company Portal is the app that lets you, as an employee of your company, securely access those resources. Before you can use this app, make sure your IT admin has set up your work account. Your compa...
Company Portal is the app that lets you, as an employee of your company, securely access those resources. Before you can use this app, make sure your IT admin has set up your work account. Your company must also have a subscription to Microsoft Intune. Company Portal helps simplify the ...
Describes how to enroll and register a personal iPhone or iPad for work or school in the Intune Company Portal app.
Install Company Portal for Windows from theMicrosoft Store. Sign in to app There are three ways to sign in to Company Portal: Sign in with your school or work email address and password. Sign in with certificate-based authentication.
Microsoft Intune 可帮助组织管理对企业应用、数据和资源的访问权限。公司门户是可让公司员工安全访问这些资源的应用。 确保IT 管理员设置了你的工作帐户后,才能使用此应用。此外,公司还必须具有 Microsoft Intune 订阅。 公司门户可帮助简化执行工作所需的任务: ...
Open the Company Portal app on your device. Enter the email address associated with your work or school account and then tap Next. Tap Sign in with a certificate. Tap Continue to use the certificate. Wait while the app verifies your certificate. When done, you can access the features in ...
返回到 Company Portal 应用。 Company Portal 将开始同步和设置你的设备。 Company Portal 可能会提示更新其他设备设置。 如果是这样,请点击“继续”。 当列表中的所有项都显示绿色复选标记时,表明设置已完成。 点击“完成”。 备注 如果组织监视语音和数据限制,或者为你提供公司拥有的设备,则可能还需要完成一些步骤...
Install Company Portal for Windows from theMicrosoft Store. Sign in to app There are three ways to sign in to Company Portal: Sign in with your school or work email address and password. Sign in with certificate-based authentication.