Intune 支持bring-your-own-device或BYOD,从而允许用户自行注册其个人设备。 若要完成 BYOD 方案的注册设置,请告知许可用户使用以下选项之一注册设备: 登录到公司门户网站并按照屏幕上的说明添加设备。 在安装适用于 Mac 的公司门户应用,并按照屏幕说明添加设备。
在Intune经典界面上,点击Groups——>Devices,可以看到刚刚同步上来的设备。 注意这里我们看到的设备所属是Personal个人的设备,这是因为我们是以BYOD(Bring your own device)的方式加入到MDM中的,如果我们是以Azure AD Join的方式,则会显示为组织Corporate所有。 (二) 创建组并配置部署策略 Intune中的设备组提供与Sys...
✅ For personal devices in bring-your-own-device (BYOD) scenarios, you can use Intune formobile application management (MAM). MAM is user centric, so the app data is protected regardless of the device used to access this data. There's a focus on apps, including securely accessing apps ...
在Intune经典界面上,点击Groups——>Devices,可以看到刚刚同步上来的设备。 注意这里我们看到的设备所属是Personal个人的设备,这是因为我们是以BYOD(Bring your own device)的方式加入到MDM中的,如果我们是以Azure AD Join的方式,则会显示为组织Corporate所有。 2.创建组并设置策略 Intune中的设备组提供与System Cent...
bring-your-own-device (BYOD) シナリオのデバイスは、Intuneに MDM 登録できます。 サポートされている登録方法を使用すると、従業員と学生は、職場または学校のタスクに個人用デバイスを使用できます。 管理者は、Microsoft Intune管理センターにデバイス ユーザーを追加し、登録エクスペリエン...
Intuneで Android エンタープライズ デバイスを有効にする前に、それらのデバイスを個人用デバイス (Bring Your Own Device、BYOD) として登録するか、会社のデバイスとして登録するかを決定する必要があります。BYOD デバイスBYOD デバイスは、Android Enterprise 仕事用プロフ...
Fortify your Zero Trust security architecture with a management solution that builds resiliency and centralizes endpoint security and identity-based device compliance. Help protect data on company-owned and bring-your-own devices. Provide better user experiences Empower IT to deliver the best possible...
The meaning of “devices” has evolved in the modern workplace, with IT expected to support not only corporate PCs and bring-your-own (BYO) devices, but also manage kiosks, shared single-purpose device... UpdatedApr 02, 2020 Version 7.0 ...
Fortify your Zero Trust security architecture with a management solution that builds resiliency and centralizes endpoint security and identity-based device compliance. Help protect data on company-owned and bring-your-own devices. Provide better user experiences Empower IT to deliver the best possible...
While MDM is a good solution for many organizations, in other cases the organization may not be interested in managing the device itself, but only specific apps like Power BI. Many organizations exercise a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy, and they may consider it too intrusive ...