Get the app bundle ID using the Intune admin center. Go to Apple's list of iOS/iPadOS bundle IDs (opens Apple's web site).ヒント On macOS devices, you can get the bundle ID using the Terminal app and AppleScript: osascript -e 'id of app "AppName"'....
Get the app bundle ID using the Intune admin center. Go to Apple's list of iOS/iPadOS bundle IDs (opens Apple's web site).提示 On macOS devices, you can get the bundle ID using the Terminal app and AppleScript: osascript -e 'id of app "AppName"'....
导入 包含应用详细信息(包括 URL)的 CSV 文件。 使用 <app url>, <app name>, <app publisher> 格式。 或者, 导出 以创建你添加的受限应用的列表,格式相同。 提示 可以通过下载 Apple App BundleIDs CSV 来导入预安装的 Apple 应用列表, (打开Microsoft GitHub 站点) 。
App bundle IDs(Microsoft Entra ID, Kerberos): Enter the bundle IDs of any other apps that should get single sign-on through an extension on your devices. To get the bundle ID of an app added to Intune,you can use the Intune admin center. ...
For example, while an organization would be aware of Dropbox and Document Cloud accounts accessed via an enterprise ID, a user may also have personal cloud storage accounts associated with private, personal IDs. In this context, the enterprise cloud storage account resides in the “managed” ...
您的應用程式必須在其 Info.plistCFBundleURLTypes下定義至少一個 schemeURL 及其對應專案-intunemam。 例如: XML <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key><array><string>launch-com.contoso.myapp</string><string>launch-com.contoso.myapp-intunemam</string></array> ...
Set up JIT registration in Intune for devices enrolling via a supported Apple device enrollment or user enrollment method.
App Bundle ID - Enter the unique bundle identifier assigned by the app provider. To get the app bundle ID: Apple's web site has a list of built-in Apple apps. For apps added to Intune, you can use the Intune admin center. For some examples, go to Bundle IDs for built-in iOS/iP...
Not all apps support autonomous single app mode. To put an app in ASAM, a bundle ID or a key value pair delivered by an app config policy are typically required. For more information, see theautonomousSingleAppModePermittedAppIDsrestrictionin Apple's MDM documentation. For more information on...
Bundle IDs for built-in apps macOS Windows 10/11 Windows Holographic for Business Windows 8.1 Assign and deploy policies Enroll devices in Microsoft Intune Use Intune Suite add-ons Initiate remote actions View reports and monitor status Industry guides Platform guides Scenario-based guidance Developer...