System/AllowStorageCard CSP 地理位置: [封鎖 ] 會防止用戶在裝置上開啟位置服務。 當設為 [未設定] (預設) 時,Intune 不會變更或更新此設定。 System/AllowLocation CSP 因特網共用: [封鎖 ] 會防止裝置上的因特網聯機共用。 當設為 [未設定] (預設) 時,Intune 不會變更或更新此設定。 電話重設: [...
Corporate-owned work profile devices running Android 12 or above require the end user to grant Intune app location permission by going to Settings > Apps > Intune (in the Work tab) > Permissions > Location > Allow all the time.
Today all of our users received a popup from the Intune app on their Android devices about Location permissions being enabled by admin, is this expected...
Location Services Shows the location services setup pane, where users can enable location services on their device. For iOS/iPadOS 7.0 and later. Restore Shows the apps and data setup pane. On this screen, users setting up devices can restore or transfer data from iCloud Backup. For iOS/iPad...
Android Enterprise device settings list to allow or restrict features on corporate-owned devices using Intune Configure permissions for the Managed Home Screen (MHS) on Android Enterprise devices using Microsoft Intune Updates to the Discovered Apps report The Discovered Apps report, which provides a ...
位置- System/AllowLocation。 指定是否允许应用访问“定位”服务。 设置为 0(零) 相机- Camera/AllowCamera。 禁用或启用相机。 设置为 0(零) 麦克风 - Privacy/LetAppsAccessMicrophone。 指定 Windows 应用能否访问麦克风。 设置为 2(二) 通知- Privacy/LetAppsAccessNotification...
allowOpenFromUnmanagedToManaged Default=*true*. (Note: The default is false when Microsoft Intune’s Allow user to save copies to selected services is enabled. Allow unmanaged to managed operations. When allowOpenFromUnmanagedToManaged is also true, unmanaged file systems are available, and users...
Important Although Edge is in "corporate" context, users can intentionally move OneDrive "corporate" context files to an unknown personal cloud storage location. To avoid this, see Manage websites to allow upload files and configure the allowed/blocked site list for Edge....
All the MDM Policy CSPsettingsapplied on the deviceregistryare in the below location [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PolicyManager\current\device\Browser] “SetDefaultSearchEngine”=”” ...
This is an example which I could probably fix by creating a start menu shortcut, get the AppID and allow the App from the Intune Kiosk policy. But what happens when the driver gets updated, and what for other drivers or services which causes this issue?