Intruder in the Dust: Directed by Clarence Brown. With David Brian, Claude Jarman Jr., Juano Hernandez, Porter Hall. In 1940s Mississippi, two teenage boys and an elderly woman combine forces to prevent a miscarriage of justice and clear a black man of a
West Germany1978年11月22日 >趁火打劫 Intruder in the Dust 原名:Intruder in the Dust 片长:87 分钟 制片国家/地区:美国 编剧:本·马多/利·布拉克特/威廉·福克纳 导演:克拉伦斯·布朗 上映日期:1949-11-22 又名:趁火打劫, 掘墓人 imdb编号:tt0041513 ...
Intruder in the Dust (1949) 7/10 I liked this movie, on a scale of 1-10 I give it a 7 16 May 1999 A very potent drama of Faulkner's small town south dealing with an innocent black man's murder of local ne'er do wll. Striking cinematography and good narrative (via flashback)...
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