Intruder: Directed by Kurt Nettleton, Billy Spurlock. With Lain Ewing, Elizabeth Kappes, Billy Spurlock, Leah Spurlock. A short film, in homage of John Carpenter, depicting a young woman leaving a bar. Little did she know, that someone else would follow.
With 100 times the budget ($80K) of Roger Corman's The Intruder, lesser directors have created thousands of films with less than a hundredth of the intelligence, sensitivity, entertainment-value and raw power of this film. Charles Beaumont, the unfortunately short-lived author and screen-writer...
Haunting This movie has haunted me for most of my life. I saw it when I was a teenager. I am now 69. I haven't seen it since it was released in 1965. I would like to see it again. I've searched for it. It's not anywhere. There are so many 1950 style B movies that are ...