Introductory Quantum OpticsThis book provides an elementary introduction to the subject of quantum optics,the study of the quantum-mechanical nature of light and its interaction withmatter.The presentation is almost entirely concerned with the quantized electromag-netic field. Topics covered include ...
Introductory Quantum Optics (Cambridge) 3 祎桦 3 人赞同了该文章 相干态 从之前的分析我们知道电磁场的期望值在数态下为0,数态仅与不确定度有关,也就是说,数态越大,电磁场的振动也越剧烈,就算n再大,电磁场均值都是0。这与经典的情况差别很大,所以我们在这一节引入了相干态,它是满足不确定的关系的最...
本文是对Introductory Quantum Optics的理解的总结,类似笔记和讲义,这意味着本文需要和原书对照学习,我也刚开始阅读该书,可能有许多理解上的错误,希望可以指正并和大家讨论。 我理解的量子光学中的量子方法介于初等量子力学和二次量子化之间(薛定谔图景和海森堡图景):原书中并没有明确提及提及二次量子化,却在库伦规范...
> 华研外语 > Introductory Quantum Optics 英文原版 量子光学导论 Christopher Gerry 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 华研外语官方旗舰店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.6 中 物流履约: 4.2 中 售后服务: 4.8 高 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注 企业购更优惠 ...
This book provides an elementary introduction to the subject of quantum optics, the study of the quantum mechanical nature of light and its interaction with matter. The presentation is almost entirely concerned with the quantized electromagnetic field. Topics covered include single-mode field quantization...
This elementary introduction to the subject of quantum optics, the study of the quantum mechanical nature of light and its interaction with matter, is almost entirely concerned with the quantized electromagnetic field. The text is designed for upper-level undergraduates taking courses in quantum optics...
C,_Introductory_Quantum_Optics.djvu.rar [Last edited by jolo1108 on 2010-5-15 at 13:09]