Introduction to The Welfare State: Causes and Consequences - Evaluating the Welfare StateELSEVIEREvaluating the Welfare State
The welfare state has been said to be in crisis many times. Many have predicted the death of the patient, but without having made a proper diagnosis. Reasons for such crises, it has been argued, have been globalisation, change in demography, lack of legitimacy and lack of ability to.nance...
very soon he comes to think little of the notion of an abyssal act; and from this he comes next to abandon reliance on reason in our deliberations, and from that to reject that great
Globalization and the Welfare State: Testing the Microfoundations of the Compensation Hypothesis The debate on how globalization affects the welfare state has so far largely neglected to examine the microlevel causal mechanism underlying different macr... W Stefanie - 《International Studies Quarterly》 ...
Debates on the post-socialist welfare state evolved in two main directions. While some scholars have maintained that they would eventually converge with Western European patterns, some others have pointed at the need of a more 'particularist' approach, seeking to demonstrate that post-socialist state...
There are nearer approaches to modern metaphysics in the Philebus and in the Sophist; the Politicus or Statesman is more ideal; the form and institutions of the State are more clearly drawn out in the Laws; as works of art, the Symposium and the Protagoras are of higher excellence. But no...
National Welfare State Reforms and the Question of Europeanization: From Impact to Usages This paper reviews the literature concerned with the interaction between the European Union and national welfare state reforms. Its interest lies in the st... S Jacquot - 《Ssrn Electronic Journal》 被引量:...
Introduction—Poverty the Development of the ‘Welfare State’ A2. Changing Attitudes… A3. Welfare in Britain—The Present CH12. Domestic Economy A1. Introduction A2. Natural Resources Infrastructure A3. Finance A4. The ‘Mixed’ Economy A5. The Role of the Government A6. The Consumer CH13....
UNESCO was also urged to increase action with respect totheintroductionanduse of ICTs at all levels of education, especially [...] 教科文组织也应该加强行动,在各级教育中引进和使用信息传播技术,特别是通过发展 全国性的远程教育课程和接受其它阿拉伯语的在线内容,开发...
The welfare state of North America and Western Europe now devote a significant share of their revenues to maintaining minimum standards of health, nutrition, and income. Income redistribution is usually accomplished through taxation and spending policies. Most advanced countries now rule that children ...