What is the purpose of the introduction A.To thank the organizer of the eventB.To announce the company’s new CEOC.To welcome a new worker to the companyD.To recognize an employee’s contributions 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 D [听力原文] 71-73Questions 71~73 refer to the following ...
在英文论文中,“Introduction”是引言部分,其主要作用是向读者介绍论文的主题、背景、目的和研究问题,以及相关领域的研究现状和研究空白。具体来说,引言部分的主要功能包括:1. 引出论文主题:引言部分通常会简要介绍论文的主题或标题,让读者对论文的研究方向有一个初步的了解。2. 背景介绍:引言部分会...
(2)政治约束力:If at the hands of a particular person or set of persons in the community, who under names correspondent to that of judge, are chosen for the particular purpose of dispensing it, according to the will of the sovereign or supreme ruling power in the state, it may be said ...
第二层:Indicating the problem that has not been solved by previous research, raising a relevant question.指出以往研究尚未解决的问题,提出相关问题。第三层:Specifying the purpose of your research.指定研究的目的。第四层:Announcing your major findings.宣布你的主要发现。Outlining the contents...
The purpose of this paper is to...The main novelty of this work is...The main aim of ...
aIntroduction to the selection. The introduction to the reading material should be interesting and lively and at the same time shouldn’t give too many things away. The purpose is to prompt students’ engagement before reading. Hopefully, introductions will engage them in a preparatory conversation...
1、作用不同 abstract是摘要,概括地陈述论文的主要内容、研究目的、研究手段等。introduction是引言,在英文文献中一般是文章的第一部分,介绍研究背景、意义,该研究领域的发展状况、目前的水平等,引出下文。2、目的不同 摘要的重要目的是便于人们进行文献检索和初步分类。引言目的是向读者简略描述短文内容或...
is known to, it is well known that, be regarded as, is characterized by, is believed to, it is generally acknowledged that, in general, it has been shown that, have been implicated 2、表示“很常见” the most common form of, make it one of the most common 3、表示“大量” a massive...
matter what their format) whose purpose includes, but extends beyond, communication, in which the language itself is as much a part of the end product as is the content. Those texts might include everything from lyric poetry to feature films and television series that use language not only in...
SkoposistheGreekwordfor‗aim‘or‗purpose‘andwasintroducedintotranslationtheoryinthe1970sbyHans.J.Vermeerasatechnicaltermforthepurposeofatranslationandoftheactionoftranslating Thecharacteristicsoffunctionalistapproaches OrientedtowardsculturalratherthanlinguistictransferToviewtransltionnotasaprocessof...