这个工作方法最早源于国外,英文里,番茄钟工作法的说法是:Pomodoro Technique(意大利语钟,pomodoro的意思是“番茄”),其发明者是:Francesco Cirillo,该方法于1980年代晚期成型。 简单来说,番茄钟工作法把任务分解成不同的小块,每个小块分配给它25分钟完成,每25分钟时间结束后,需要短暂休息一下,通常是设定为5分钟。当...
and named after the tomato-shaped timer he used to track his work as a student; the Pomodoro Technique is straightforward. Whenever you have a large set of tasks to complete, break down the tasks into short, timed intervals (called “Pomodoros”) which are then spaced out by small breaks....