An Introduction to the Enneagram The enneagram (pronounced “any-a-gram”) is a system of nine archetypal personality types (or enneatypes) that is based upon an ancient nine-sided symbol (pictured). The word is derived from the Greek words “ennea” (meaning nine) and “gramma” (...
An Introduction to the Enneagram TheEnneagram(pronounced any-a-gram) figure is a circle inscribed by nine points. In Greek,enneameans nine andgrammameans point. Each point portrays a distinctive personality style that has its own way of viewing, construing, and responding to people and events. ...
Discovering Your Personality Type : The Essential Introduction to the Enneagram, Revised and ExpandedDon Riso
Myers-Briggs:The goal of this test is to help peoplemake sense out of their personalities, based on what they perceive and how they reach conclusions. Enneagram:This personality test groups people into one of nine personality types based on their deepest thoughts and approach to living life. ...
It is used widely in Fortune 500 companies, for-profit and non-profit organizations. Other personality tests include theNEO PI-R,Forté Profile,MillonClinicalMultiaxialInventory,Eysenck Personality Questionnaire,Swedish Universities Scales of Personality, andEnneagram of Personality....