The genesis of the rhythmic alternation of the inspiration and expiration phases, linked as it is with a tendency to oscillating expansion and retraction, has still not been clearly and fully explained. One possibility being mentioned is that the phenomenon is synonymous with THM oscillations. Others...
As noted in the acknowledgments, the genesis for this book was a symposium hosted by the blog 3 Quarks Daily in collaboration with the Dialogue Advisory Group. The format for this debate point- counterpoint type of book is drawn from that initial symposi
The term “phylogeny”, derived from the Greek φυλή (phylé), meaning tribe, clan or race, and γένεσıς (genesis), meaning origin, makes a reference to the evolutionary history of the species and the relationship among groups of such organisms. It is related to the repro...
the chapter traces the origins of trauma-informed care and its movement into behavioral health, child welfare, and educational settings. Following this, the chapter describes the genesis of the book in the graduate-level course on trauma
Each of the first two chapters of Genesis contains a creation narrative. Inthe first IIGod created man in his own image, in the image of God he createdhim; male and female he created them." (NRSV, Genesis 1:27) In the second,God created Eve from Adam's rib (2:21-23).Christian ...
The failure had little, if anything, to do with the rightness of the big idea, and wasn’t really about the abilities of the individuals on our team. The genesis of the storm was the original formation of the strategy itself. We went straight to execution. (As in, do not pass go, ...
2 | Michael Friedrich and Cosima Schwarke the text which did not seem to him worth the trouble of copying, or condense it a little, or expand it a little, or embody a previous marginal note in the text, or add a new note of his own, or make such other alterations as he chose. ...
Book Review: Forest Products and Wood Science. An Introductionthat the frequency of androgenesis is still unacceptably low. Spontaneous diploidisation of calluses from pollen grains often occurs and the high percentage of albinos is still a major problem in some laboratories. Despite the opnrrusm ...
For more information visit 1 Chemical Kinetics, an Historical Introduction Stefano Zambelli University of Padova, Italy 1. Introduction This Chapter would provide a methodological analysis of the historical developments of chemical kinetics from the beginnings to the achievements of ...
This chapter provides an overview of this edited volume on Computational Thinking Education (CTE). It starts with a historical review of CTE, beginning from the pioneering ideas of Seymour Papert on promoting the need to think computationally, the semina