This is evident at the beginning of the book:"Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them -- to the Israelites. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised ...
In today's edition of Sunday Matt, we introduce Romans 1-11, how much of the text isn't actually Paul's theology, and why that matters to Christian theology. If you want to call in to the Bonus Show, leave a voicemail at (530) 332-8020. We'll get to your
This is the second most important question to answer. One should study the Old Testament: (1) to better understand the New Testament (but this reason alone, which is the same as using the Old Testament as a (secondary, not primary document) reference book, is not enough), (2) to ...
(Galatians 3:17) that the 430 years of Exodus 12:40 apply to the whole time span between Abraham and the Exodus, not just the Israelite stay in Egypt as the Hebrew Masoretic text would suggest, bringing Abraham's birth year to 1952.[12] Second, genealogies in Bible occasionally skip ...