(共47册), 这套丛书还有 《Statistical Analysis of Designed Experiments》《Probability and Measure》《Matrix Algebra Useful for Statistics (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)》《Analysis of Financial Time Series》《Machine Learning: a Concise Introduction (Wiley Series in Probability and ...
Fuller, W.A. 1976. Introduction to Statistical Time Series. New York: John Wiley.问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 富勒, WA 1976 。介绍统计时间序列。 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 更加充分, W.A. 1976年。统计时间数列介绍。纽约:约翰威里。 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 更加充分,...
Introduction to statistical time series: Wayne A. Fuller, (2nd edition published by Wiley, New York, 1996, 698 pp. ISBN 0471552399)Deiters NeuronesMossy Fibre AfferentsClimbing Fibre AfferentsPurkinje Cell InhibitionHarmalineThe spatial distribution of inhibitory effects mediated by spinoolivocerebellar ...
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ISLR - An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R 程序员百科书 斯坦福【统计学习导论】三位统计学习大师带你一起啃透《统计学习导论》这本书,带你一起了解机器学习算法全貌!简直不要太详细了!!!-统计学习/斯坦福/人工智能 小微带你学AI ...
Though statistical methods and tests should be used to test for structural breaks, time series plots can help for preliminary identification of structural breaks in data. Structural breaks in the mean of a time series will appear in graphs as sudden shifts in the level of the data at certain ...
An Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting豆瓣评分:0.0 简介:Providing a clear explanation of the fundamental theory of time series analysis and forecasting, this book couples theory with applications of two popular statistical packages--SA
Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics(共47册),这套丛书还有 《Foundations of Linear and Generalized Linear Models》《Linear Models in Statistics》《Multivariate Time Series Analysis》《Spatial Statistics (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)》《Introduction to Statistical Time Series》等。 我...
For those new to Stata, the book begins with a mild yet fast-paced introduction to Stata, highlighting all the features you need to know to get started using Stata for time-series analysis. Before diving into analysis of time series, Becketti includes a quick refresher on statistical foundatio...
Introduction to Modern Time Series Analysis, 2nd edition Time series analysis in epidemiology: an introduction to the methodological aspects. Rev Bras Epidemiol 2001;(3):145-52.LATORRE, M. R. D.O.; CARDOSO... [in Japanese] - 《Journal of the Japan Statistical Society Japanese Issue》 被引...