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An Introduction to Solution, Solid-State, and Imaging NMR Spectroscopydoi:10.1002/9783527654703.ch7NMR spectroscopysolution-state NMRJ-coupling constantsself-assembled monolayerchemical shift anisotropyquadrupolar interactionLeslie G. ButlerJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd...
enough to do spectroscopy. • Neutrinos interact so feebly with matter that they have no impact on chemistry, even though we are in fact bathed in themall the time. • Quarks are the basic constituents of protons and neutrons, so in an in- ...
荧光光谱原理Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy(3rd,2006)3-2 热度: 荧光光谱原理Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy(3rd,2006)3-3 热度: Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) - System and 荧光相关光谱(FCS)系统 热度: An introduction to ...
1974, “Statistical accuracy in fluorescence correlation spectroscopy” Petra Schwille, Elke Haustein: “FCS: An Introduction to its Concepts and Applications” http://pages.jh.edu/~iic/resources/ewExternalFiles/FCS-Schwille.pdf In depth presentation of the field: Volume I and II of “...
Introduction to Spectroscopy - Advanced Analytical Chemistry - Lecture Slides Electroanalytical Chemistry - Advanced Analytical Chemistry - Lecture Slides (1) Excited State Chemistry - Advanced Analytical Chemistry - Lecture Slides Lenses - Advanced Analytical Chemistry - Lecture Slides Membrane - A...
Over the recent years, the picture of a non-thermalizing phase of matter, the many-localized phase, has emerged as a stable solution. We present a basic introduction to the topic of many-body localization, using the simple example of a quantum spin chain that allows us to illustrate ...
Introduction to microcalorimetry and biomolecular energetics. In Microscopy, Optical Spectroscopy, and Macroscopic Techniques (Jones, C., Mulloy, B. & Thomas, A. H., eds), 22 edit., pp. 109± 124. Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ.Cooper A, Johnson CM. 1994. Introduction to microcalorimetry ...
Hahn: Gold mesostructures with tailored surface topography and their self-assembly arrays for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Nano Lett. 10, 5006–5013 (2010). Article CAS Google Scholar X. Yu, D. Wang, Q. Peng, and Y. Li: Pt–M (M = Cu, Co, Ni, Fe) nanocrystals: From small...