Introduction to Smooth Manifolds, (GTM 218)Introduction to Topological Manifolds(GTM 202), andRiemannian Manifolds(GTM 176). Lee's research interests include differential geometry, the Yamabe problem, existence of Einstein metrics, the constraint equations in general relativity, geometry and analysis on...
John M. Lee Part of the book series:Graduate Texts in Mathematics(GTM, volume 176) Accesses Altmetric About this book This book is designed as a textbook for a one-quarter or one-semester graduate course on Riemannian geometry, for students who are familiar with topological and differentiable ...
作者:John M. Lee出品人:页数:750译者:出版时间:2012-9-29价格:USD 89.95装帧:Hardcoverisbn号码:9781441999818丛书系列:Graduate Texts in Mathematics图书标签: 数学 Manifolds 微分几何 流形 牛人推荐数学书籍 Topology 几何 经典 Introduction to Smooth Manifolds 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 ...
tomyearlierbookontopologicalmanifolds[Lee00]. Thissubjectisoftencalled“differentialgeometry.”Ihavemostlyavoided thisterm,however,becauseitappliesmoreproperlytothestudyofsmooth manifoldsendowedwithsomeextrastructure,suchasaRiemannianmet- ric,asymplecticstructure,aLiegroupstructure,orafoliation,andofthe ...
Graduate Texts in Mathematics(共230册),这套丛书还有 《Riemannian Manifolds》《Deformation Theory》《Rational Homotopy Theory》《Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Their Representation》《Linear Topological Spaces》等。 喜欢读"Introduction to Smooth Manifolds"的人也喜欢 ··· Optimal Transport Riemannian...
An Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry 热度: RiemannianManifolds: AnIntroductionto Curvature JohnM.Lee Springer Preface Thisbookisdesignedasatextbookforaone-quarterorone-semestergrad- uatecourseonRiemanniangeometry,forstudentswhoarefamiliarwith ...
This chapter focuses on the initial developments leading to the discovery of 2D materials. A detailed description providing insights on the nature of 2D materials is broadly discussed. The classification of this new material class is listed. Moreover, the nature of growing interests in this field ...
Introduction to Topological Manifolds 作者:John M. Lee 副标题:Second Edition 出版年:2010-12-28 页数:450 装帧:Hardcover 丛书:Graduate Texts in Mathematics ISBN:9781441979391 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐
MAA.Introduction to Smooth Manifolds. Publisher: Springer. Publication Date: 2012. Number of Pages: 708.introduction to smooth manifolds | springer - Introduction to Smooth Manifolds. (2010) of Introduction toTopological Manifolds, and Riemannian Manifolds: An Introduction to Smooth Manifolds. Lee, ...
Professor Lee is the author of three highly acclaimed Springer graduate textbooks : Introduction to Smooth Manifolds, (GTM 218) Introduction to Topological Manifolds (GTM 202), and Riemannian Manifolds (GTM 176). Lee's research interests include differential geometry, the Yamabe problem, existence of...