A robust literature has explored multiple facets of the introductory psychology course, but few studies have examined its purposes, student learning outcomes (SLOs), and assessment practices. The second iteration of the Undergraduate Study in Psychology gathered data on these facets in a nationally ...
This course will cover a wide range of topics from the field of psychology to provide a comprehensive introduction to the subject. Course lessons will focus on consciousness, sensation, perception, learning, memory, thinking, emotion, evolution, motivation, personality, social psychology, and happiness...
内容提示: Introduction to Psychology: Lecture 1 January 17, 2007 Professor Paul Bloom: I' d like to welcome people to this course, Introduction to Psychology. My name is Dr. Paul Bloom. I' m professor of this course. And what this is going to be is a comprehensive introduction to the ...
耶鲁大学开放课程:心理学导论.Open Yale course:Introduction to Psychology.01.Chi_Eng.640X360-YY耶鲁大学开放课程:心理学导论.Open Yale course:Introduction to Psychology.01.Chi_Eng.640X360-YY
Understand the different ways we learn How do people learn different behaviours? How does biology affect our ability to learn new things? On this course you will answer these questions and others, exploring the psychology of learning. You will consider the difference between ... Read more ...
And so, I'm going to include four guest lecturers. The first one is Dr. Marvin Chun who teaches the Introduction to Psychology course in the fall and is my competition. And he's going to give an amazing lecture on cognitive neuroscience, especially the cognitive neuroscience of faces. Dr....
Internet Open Yale course:Introduction to Psychology 心理学 知识 社科人文 Psychology Yale 评论WYW之 发消息 宁静致远 谨言慎行 凡学不勤 其志未笃 视频选集 8/20相关推荐 【CrashCourse】十分钟速成课系列:心理学基础 Psychology 喜欢喵喵叫的小猫咪 7.0万 播放 · 310 弹幕 耶鲁大学开放课程:心理学导论...
心理学导论心理学导论 2017-04-09 12:23:1329:36 752 所属专辑:心理学导论 20讲【英文版】 喜欢下载分享 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 张张张喵喵 公众号有原文吗 2019-02回复赞 Mika_xs Great and interesting ...
One of the best aspects of Psychology is that you are the subject matter. This makes it possible to do many demonstrations in lecture that allow you to experience the topic under study. Lectures work in tandem with the textbook. The course breaks into small recitations sections to allow ...