Fields of Psychology Quiz THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY. CATEGORY © 2011 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Introductory Psychology Concepts Profession of Psychology. SUBFEILDS 4. Students will be able to identify psychology’s main subfields. Introduction to Psychology “Introduction to Behavioral Sciences...
Focused on how humans and animals use mental processes in adapting to their environments Broadened the scope of psychology to include behavior as well as mental processes William James (1842-1910) Functionalism’s most famous proponent Believed that the “stream of conscious- ness” functions to hel...
《Introduction to Psychology, International Edition 心理学导论》作者:Cengage Learning,出版社:2010年1月 第9版,ISBN:557.60。JimKalat'sbest-sellingINTRODUCTIONTOPSYCHOLOGYtake
Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior, 14th EditionDennis CoonJohn O. Mitterer
E.E.史密斯(Edward E. Smith),哥伦比亚大学心理学教授,认知神经科学部部长。 S.诺伦—霍克西玛(Susan Nolen-Hoeksema),耶鲁大学心理学教授。 洪光远,台湾大学心理学研究所硕士,现任台湾国防大学政治作战学院副教授,研究领域为人格心理学、社会心理学。 原文摘录 ··· 做出某种...
Now in full color, this Fourth Edition of An Introduction to Behavioral Endocrinology retains all of the features of the bestselling prior editions, and provides an updated, integrated presentation of the study of hormone–behavior–brain interactions. Continuing to emphasize a comparative approach, th...
Introduction to Psychology – Lindh Module 11: Psychological Disorders Search for: Childhood DisordersWhat you’ll learn to do: explain common childhood disorders, including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorderNeurodevelopmental disorders are a group of disorders that are typ...
14th Edition of Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and BehavioreBook, 736 pages eBook ISBN: 9781305545007Published by: Cengage Learning, January 01, 2015Hardcover, 736 pages ISBN-10: 1305091876 ISBN-13: 9781305091870Published by: Wadsworth Publishing, January 01, 2015...
Nevid,J.S.,Rathus,S.A.,&Greene,B.(2011).AbnormalPsychologyinaChangingWorld.(8 th Ed.).Upper SaddleRiver,NJ:PearsonEducation,Inc. Studentcompanionwebsitefor7 th editionoftext:http://.prenhall/nevid CourseDescriptionandGoals:Thiscourseisdesignedtoserveasageneralintroductiontothestudyof ...