An intuitive, yet precise introduction to probability theory, stochastic processes, and probabilistic models used in science, engineering, economics, and related fields. The 2nd edition is a substantial revision of the 1st edition, involving a reorganization of old material and the addition of new ma...
Introduction to Probability 作者:Joseph K. Blitzstein/Jessica Hwang 出版社:Chapman and Hall/CRC 出版年:2014-7-24 页数:596 定价:USD 99.95 装帧:Hardcover 丛书:Texts in Statistical Science ISBN:9781466575578 豆瓣评分 9.7 58人评价 5星 86.2%
The subject of time series is of considerable interest, especially among researchers in econometrics, engineering, and the natural sciences. As part of the prestigious Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, this book provides a lucid introduction to the field and, in this new Second Edition, ...
Book description Introduction to Probability, Second Edition, discusses probability theory in a mathematically rigorous, yet accessible way. This one-semester basic probability textbook explains im ... read full description Purchase book Share this bookBrowse...
An instructor's manual is available online with detailed solutions to selected problems and further guidance for using the book in a course 目录 1. Experiments with random outcomes 2. Conditional probability and independence 3. Random variables ...
内容提示: K16714Developed from celebrated Harvard statistics lectures, Introduction to Probability provides essential language and tools for understanding statistics, randomness, and uncertainty. The book explores a wide variety of applications and examples, ranging from coincidences and paradoxes to Google ...
Probability Examples c-1 byLeif Mejlbro (31 ratings ) 1 review 61 Language : English In this book you find the basic mathematics that is needed by engineers and university students . Sign up for free access Download free PDF textbooks or read online. Less than 15% adverts ...
An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Application豆瓣评分:9.5 简介:Major changes in this edition include the substitution of probabilistic arguments for combinatorial artifices, and the addition of new sections on branching processes, Markov ch
This book will be particularly useful to those interested in learning how probability theory can be applied to the study of phenomena in fields such as engineering, computer science, management science, the physical and social sciences, and operations research. Ideally, this text would be used in...