Power BI 中的 DAX 简介 - Introduction to DAX in Power BI 2023-11共计4条视频,包括:ch1_1_ok、ch1_2_ok、ch2_1_ok等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
It's easy to create a new Power BI Desktop file and import some data into it. You can even create reports that show valuable insights without using any DAX formulas at all. But what if you need to analyze growth percentage across product categories and for different date ranges? Or you n...
From Introduction to Power BI, Clean, Transform, and Load Data with Power Query, Data Modelling in Power BI, Data Analysis Expression (DAX) for Beginners, and many more. Week 2 was nothing less than a super-packed week. Before I share a recap of what...
We often say that Excel and Power BI are "better together", but what does that really mean? Learn how adding Power BI's world-class tools to your Excel analysis routine can save time, make your data easier to manage, and improve the quality of insights in our next we...
and Power BI since early 2014. Matt brings his business and IT experience to the table to get fast and effective results in training, consulting, and problem solving. Matt is also the author of the book "Learn to DAX – A Practical Guide to Learning Power ...
Learn about what is Power BI dashboard, how to create a dashboard in Power BI, Why use Power BI, advantages, applications, and Power BI dashboard vs results.
Introduction to DAX in Power BIIntroduction to Data Visualization with Seaborn 1 Getting Started with Python in Power BIIniciar capítulo In this first chapter, you will learn the advantages and limitations of Python in Power BI as well as how to enable this capability within a workbook. You ...
Visual calculations in Power BI are Data Analytics Expressions (DAX) calculations defined on a visual. Unlike measures, they aren't stored in the model, but on the visual you're working with. Visual calculations make it easier to create calculations that were previously hard to create, leading...
DAX 是可在公式或表达式中使用的函数、运算符和常量的集合,用于计算和返回一个或多个值。 更简单地说,DAX 可帮助您根据模型中现有的数据创建新的信息。 DAX 的重要性 您可以轻松创建新的 Power BI Desktop 文件并向其中导入一些数据。 您甚至完全无需使用任何 DAX 公式,即可创建显示宝贵见解的报表。 但是,如果...
capabilities as well. Learning how to create effective DAX formulas will help you get the most out of your data. When you get the information you need, you can begin to solve real business problems that affect your bottom line. This is the power of Power BI, and DAX will help you get...