1、Development of Pathology Objectives of Research Learning of Pathology As is our pathology, so is our medicine. 病理为医之本病理为医之本 l病理学是连接基础医学和临床医学的 桥梁 l病理学学习是理解疾病诊断、治疗和 预防的基石 l病理学知识是有志于将病理学作为终 生专业的第一桶金 Without the concept...
Aim In Studying Pathology.identify different lesions (diseases).label etiologic factor (s) for each lesion.understand pathogenesis of each lesion.correlate morphological changes with clinical features for each lesion.plan treatment for each lesion.assess prognosis of various lesions.help layout preventive ...
Introduction to Pathology ChapterOneIntroductiontoPathology DEFINITIONOFPATHOLOGY Definitionofpathology •Pathologyistostudydiseasesbyscientificmethods.•Diseasemaybedefinedasanabnormalalterationofstructureorfunctioninanypartofthebody.Pathologyfocuseson4aspectsofdisease •ETIOLOGY:Causeofdisease.•PATHOGENESIS:...
(law court). 9. Physiological pathology which deals with the study of alterations in the functions of organs and systems of the body as a result to a disease. It is also known as pathophysiology; e.g., pathophysiology of indigestion, diarrhea, abortion…..etc. 10. Immunopathology which ...
HISTO-PATHOLOGY Introduction&Techniques Dr.AbdelMonemH.Lubbad. A.ProfessorOfPathology(M.D.) ConsultantofPathology IslamicUniversity-Gaza Epidemiology Etiology-Causes Pathogenesis-Evolution Morphology-StructuralChanges ClinicalSignificance–FunctionalChanges
Such as digestive system Why to study histology From gross structure to microstructure. Foundation of basic medical courses, such as physiology, pathology etc.. Foundation of clinical courses. Cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry and some advanced research fields such as cell apoptosis, stem ...
❖FGhelpsustoviewlanguageasastrategic,meaning-makingresourceinsteadofstaticsubstance.CompanyLogo Overallpicture CompanyLogo Application ❖Possibleapplications❖Theoretical❖historical❖developmental❖educational,pedagogical❖artificialintelligence❖speechpathology❖(P.XV;Para.3;P.XVIPara.1)CompanyLogo Whati...
医学英语部分课件:Introduction 09.ppt,Course Description This course will provide approach to contemporary English readings based on selections from the texts related to the field of medicine. Course Goals To consolidate the students’ knowledge of the t