(2014). Introduction to Metal-nanoparticle Plasmonics, by Matthew Pelton and Garnett W. Bryant. Contemporary Physics: Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 352-353. doi: 10.1080/00107514.2014.948921doi:10.1080/00107514.2014.948921DobsonPeter J.Taylor & Francis GroupContemporary Physics...
Particularly, the measurements at single nanoparticle level promote the developments of plasmonics, even to single molecule level detection. In this chapter, we briefly introduce the fundamentals and applications of the LSPR property of metal nanoparticles, and the useful devices for the investigation of...
While for clusters, the system can be monodisperse like Au25 [26], larger nanoparticles are typically polydisperse and can be classified as 2D chiral nanoparticles where the chirality comes from the nanoparticle lying onto a surface, or 3D chiral nanoparticles. For a mSenosroerss2p0e20c,ifi20c...