TENSORFLOW, PYTORCH, and KERAS have been exploited. In addition to the deep learning techniques, the researchers have employed four classifiers, cross-validation mechanism, and various other performance metrics associated with classification algorithms such false positive rate, true positive rate, recall,...
Although linear SVM classifiers are efficient and perform well in many scenarios, most datasets’ classes are not linearly separable. In these cases, a linear decision boundary yields poor results. Fortunately for us, SVM classifiers are not limited to linear decision boundaries. Thanks to the...
Rasa Pro is a part of our enterprise solution, Rasa Platform. Another product that makes up of Rasa Platform is Rasa X/Enterprise. It is our low-code user interface that supports conversational AI Teams reviewing and improving AI Assistants at scale. It must be used with Rasa Pro. To learn...
Helping computers to see turns out to be very hard. The goal of computer vision is to extract useful information from images. This has proved a surprisingly challenging task; it has occupied thousands of intelligent and creative minds over the last four decades, and despite this we are still ...
For general database, Python gives us interfaces to all RDBS - Sybase, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. Python's standardpicklemodule provides a simpleobject persistencesystem. GUI Python's simplicity and rapid turnaround make it a good match for graphical user interface programming. Python...
The code used for the development the particle generator, the neural network models, and the calculations is written in the the Python programming language using the Keras module with the TensorFlow2 backend [5] and Numpy modules. The calculations were performed using a standardized PC setup equipp...