Introduction to Mass Communications: Part I What IS Journalism? The act of collecting, writing (or filing), and distributing news to the public What is Journalism? Journalist: Editor Gathers the news, writes it, edits it, or otherwise prepares it for print or broadcast Editor Supervises prepar...
2. sound bite(新闻采访的)原声摘要播出 A short clip of speech or music extracted from a longer piece of audio, often used to promote or exemplify the full length piece. In the context of journalism, a sound bite is characterized by a short phrase or sentence that captures the essence of ...
12、chedAugust 2003Current statusActive/ Three Levels of strategy (2)Operational strategyBusiness-level strategyCorporate-level strategyNews Corporation diversifying from print journalism into social networking.Website and marketing improvements at My Space to attract more users.MySpace engineers increa 13、...
1、Chapter 1 An IntroductionIntercultural CommunicationTo know anothers language and not his culture is a very way to make a fluent fool of ones self. Winston BrembeckWarm-up Cases In China: Xiao Li (an interpreter): You must be very tired. Youre old Catherine (an elderly American lady): ...
the words that showed the pain and suffering of the working class, but eliminated the words that articulated the narrators’ ideas, values, advice and social consciousness—keeping authority “in the hands of the individuals already controlling the culture, and its mediation through journalism….”...
Chapter1AnIntroduction Toknowanother’slanguageandnothisculture isaverywaytomakeafluentfoolofone’sself.WinstonBrembeck Warm-upCases Case1ShowingConcern •InChina:XiaoLi(aninterpreter):Youmustbeverytired.You’reold…Catherine(anelderlyAmericanlady):Oh,I’mNOTold,andI’mNOTtired.Warm-upCases Case1...
How are we going to tell them about it? How are they going to use it? What is missing or could be expanded? What do we need to do to maintain/update it? Actions for all partners Share any interesting photos that have not already been submitted, for use in social media and the photo...
Criminal Justice and Journalism By Kirsten Kaiser. BY: BEN WALKER Career Collage. Colleges I have always wanted to go the University of Texas A&M. My mother went there and so did my aunt. They are why. Patricia W. and J. Douglas Perry Library Damon Johnson. ...
Topic1:Introduction Question •Howdoyoutranslate“communication”and“crossculturalcommunication”?communication translatedinto:•沟通(管理学)inthefieldofmanagement•传播(新闻学)inthefieldofjournalism•通信(通讯学)inthefieldofcommunication•交流(心理学)inthefieldofpsychology•交际(语言学)inthe...