IOT-Introduction INTERNETOFTHINGS 2 Dr.KayarvizhyN9900502934 3 INTRODUCTIONTOIOT KupatTahuPresentation 4 WhatisIoT NetworkofPhysicalObjects InternetofThings(IoT)comprisesthingsthathaveuniqueidentitiesandareconnectedtotheInternet The...
___5. The Internet of Things (IoT) consists of all the Web-enabled devices that collect, send and act on data they acquire from their surrounding environments using embedded sensors, processors and communication hardware. 1.2 Section B: The Internet of Things II. Choose the best answer to ...
67th edition Contents Introduction For 66 ye aNrsa,ttuhrealBgPasStatistical Review of WEolercldtricity 1 Group chief executive's introdEucntieonrgy2h6a sRepsreorvveidsed high-quality objectiv46e aGnedneration 2 2017 at a glance globally28c oPnrsoidsutcetniotndanadtacoonsnumwpotirolnd ...
range from near-infrared light to visible region. The term “photonics” was derived from the root word “photon”, which connotes the tiniest entity of light analogous to an electron in electricity. Just as the electronics revolutionized the 20th century, photonics is doing the same in the 21...