第一章供应链管理介绍Introduction_to_Supply_Chain_Management.ppt,* * * * * * * * Every facility is involved. Efficiency across the entire system is the goal. What issues does this raise? What makes SCM hard? Complexity Ownership Uncertainty * * * * * * *
Timevalue(eg.byinventory…)Logisticsmanagement… togettherightgoods/services intherightquantity/level, totheright place, attherighttime, withtherightcost. Theprocessofplanning,implementingandcontrollingtheefficient,effectiveflowandstorageofgoods,services,andrelatedinformationfrompointoforigintopointofconsumptionfor...
Introduction to Operations Management Operations Management Organization Finance Operations Marketing The management of systems or processes that create goods and/or provide services Introduction to Operations Management Operations Management includes: Forecasting Capacity planning Scheduling(时间进度安排) Managing ...
Step 2: Define fe to be the minimum possible cost in period 1 through e, given that the inventory level at the end of period is zero. fe = Min (Zce + fc-1) Lowest cost combination is recorded as the fe strategy to satisfy requirements for periods 1 through e. f0 = 0 f1 = Min ...
Chapter_1__Introduction_to_Supply_Chain_Management SupplyChainManagement YuhuaZhang ProfessorofGuangdongUniversityofForeignStudies Tel:020-39328850E-mail:zhyh58@163.com Chapter1IntroductiontoSupplyChainManagementChapter2LogisticsNetworkConfigurationChapter3InventoryManagement,SupplyContractsandRiskPoolingChapter4TheValue...
chapter1 Introduction to e-business课件.ppt,Contents 1.e-Business vs e-Commerce 2.What makes e-Business different from business? 3.The rise and fall of the economy 4.Characters of e-business 5.Types of e-business 6.Evolution of e-business 7. benefits for
Chapter_1__Introduction_to_Supply_Chain_Management 热度: Introduction to Operation and Supply Chain Management 热度: EthicalandEthicaland SustainableSourcingSustainableSourcing Chapter4Chapter4 PreparedbyMarkA.Jacobs,PhD ©2012CengageLearning.AllRightsReserved.Maynotbescanned,copiedor ...
1 Chapter1 INTRODUCTIONTOOPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 2 OperationsManagement=OM ManagementofANYactivities/processthatcreategoodsand provideservices »ExemplaryActivities:Forecasting,Scheduling,Qualitymanagement WhytostudyOM »Atatypicalmanufacturingcompany Profit5% OMCost21% Marketing Cost26% Manufacturing Cost48% 3 The...
Uses of derivatives: (primary use) to hedge risks or transfer them to other parties; risk management routinely taken multitrillion-dollar market to take highly speculative positions; 一家美国公司在3月以优惠利率借入1000万加拿大元,借期3个月,公司将借入的加元在外汇市场上按即期汇率1加元=0.835美元换成...
INVENTORY (Pengelolaan Persediaan) Intro to Financial Management BUSINESS HIGH SCHOOL-ACCOUNTING I Accounting and Business Multiple Step Income Statements RATIO ANALYSIS. Business Financial Records Chapter 23 Income Statements Introduction to Business Lecture 43 ...