(免疫学课件)Introduction to the immune system (4-19-2016).ppt,* * Pathways of complement activation. The activation of the complement system may be initiated by three distinct pathways, all of which lead to the production of C3b (the early steps). C3b in
(免疫学课件)Introductiontotheimmunesystem(4-19-2016)LearningObjectives •Challengesthattheimmunesystemevolvestodealwith•Architecture&components:layersofdefense;cellsand organsoftheinnateandadaptiveimmunesystems;sensorsofpathogensandreceptorsofantigens,cytokinesthathelpinter-cellularcommunication•Principlesofinnate...
1.Immunity:referstoallmechanismsusedbythebodyasprotectionagainstenvironmentalsubstancesthatareforeigntothebody.(torecognizeandeliminateforeignsubstances)2.Substances:microorganisms(viruses,bacteriaetc)andtheirproducts,foods,chemicals,pollen,tumorcells,etc.3.Immunesystem:immunetissuesandorgans,immunecells,immunemolecules ...
before birth Be the first line of defense against infection Non–specific No immune memory (innate immunity can’t be enhanced by the second stimulation of the same antigen) Immune memory: Exposure of the immune system to a foreign antigen enhances its ability to respond again to that antigen....
1.introduction 免疫学概论 IntroductiontoImmunology Liuchun2016–03–01 1 一、发展史:古老:16世纪人痘预防天花 ①接触法②痘浆法③旱苗法④水苗法 18世纪牛痘预防天花(Jenner)EdwardJennerdiscoveredthatcowpoxvaccinationprotectedagainstsmallpoxin1796.Officiallysmallpoxeradicatedin1979.年轻:20世纪70年代成为独立学科...
1、Medical ImmunologyIntroductionImmunology historyOutline of Medical Immunology conception of immunity function of immunity types of immunity composition of immune systemAbout Our book Chap. II Immunology HistoryImmunolgy has a short history ,but human beings have learning it for a very long time:Expe...
18小结: 免疫功能的分类及其表现免疫功能的分类及其表现19203.3.免疫的类型免疫的类型 天然免疫 (固有免疫, innate immunity) 获得性免疫 (适应性免疫,adaptive immunity)21免疫Immune systemInnate (non-specific) immunityAdaptive (specific) immunityAnatomic barriers (Skin,mucous membranes) Physological ba 6、rr...
浙江大学《系统解剖学》课件-chapter7.Introduction of the nervous system.ppt,中枢部 神经元胞体集聚 灰质 皮质 神经核 神经纤维集聚 白质 髓质 纤维束 神经元胞体集聚——神经节 神经纤维集聚———神经 周围部 网状结构 The Teminology Spinal ganglions 脊神经节 Nerve
生物信息学导引IntroductiontoBioinformatics-模板.ppt,* * Gene Databases Once a genome is assembled, targeting genic regions is desired Humans: 30,000 genes On order of 1,000’s of bases long * * Gene Databases RefSeq Set of mRNA sequences curated at NCBI
Autoimmunity Autoimmunity can be defined as breakdown of mechanisms responsible for self tolerance and induction of an immune response against components of the self. Autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system attacks self-molecules as a result of a breakdown of immunologic tolerance to autoreactiv...