No standardized criteria for condition assessment to support repair vs. replace investment decisions; 4. Distribution systems consist of many components that degrade with service age, but not all components age at the same rate; 5. Health Indices allow objective measurement and benchmarking of assets...
Journal of Personality Assessment, 74(3), 371–383. Hothersall, D. (1995). History of psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill. Hoy, M. (1997). Contemporizing of the Themes Concerning Blacks test (C-TCB). Alameda, CA: California School of Professional Psychology. Hoy-Watkins, M., & Jenkins-...
assessment and the introduction of International Organization for Standardization standards. [...] 来加强达尔富尔混合行动的能力:制定和实施由建设和平基金支助的解除武装、 复员和重返社会项目;设立达尔富尔联合指导委员会并制定一项早期恢复计划; 加强达尔富尔混合行动与联合国国家工作队之间在...
Chapter 11Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 6th Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery.Copyright c 2021 John Wiley
materials Review An Introduction to 3D Bioprinting: Possibilities, Challenges and Future Aspects Željka P. Kacˇarevic´ 1,* , Patrick M. Rider 2 , Said Alkildani 3 , Sujith Retnasingh 4, Ralf Smeets 5,6, Ole Jung 6, Zrinka Ivaniševic´ 7 and Mike Barbeck ...
They“are intendedto have practical value, providing theory onlytotheextent thatithelps with the assessment,design, planning,implementation, andevaluation of concrete interventions”(Frazer and Owen2018, 6). Theguide isparticularlyuseful for practitioners in analysing what rolereligion plays in thesociety...
Note. QDOT � Quick Discounting Operant Task; CAINS � Clinical Assessment Interview for Negative Symptoms; PANSS � Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale; MCCB � Matrics Consensus Neurocognitive Battery; CPZ � chlorpromazine. † p � .07. ...
This first report from the ISPOR VOI Task Force is directed at decision makers, including funders of research tasked with determining which studies to support, stakeholder groups identifying research priorities, and healthcare payers using formal assessment processes to inform their decisions about funding...
(Ch. 21), languages that we treat as isolates have poorly attestedsister languages with no remaining speakers, while in others, such as Harakmbut (Ch. 10), ourdecision to treat a language as an isolate stems from an assessment of the living and named varie-ties as co-dialects, rather ...
The presence of intermediate outcomes (IO), both in experimental and observational research, complicates the assessment of causal effects between exposures and (final) outcomes [1]. Methodological and statistical approaches for dealing with this problem have been proposed for quite a time [2–5], ...