目录 收起 Introduction to Functional Analysis Introduction 泛函 Introduction to Functional AnalysisIntroduction 我们将从解释泛函分析的目标开始。在一些之前的数学课程中,如微积分和线性代数,我们学习的方法帮助我们解决了有限多变量的方程。(例如,我们可能想找到一个函数的最小值或最大值,其输入在 Rn 中...
https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/18-102-introduction-to-functional-analysis-spring-2021/ 泛函分析帮助我们研究和解决不再是有限维的赋范空间上的线性和非线性问题,这种情况在许多具体问题中很自然地出现。主题包括赋范空间、完备性、泛函、哈恩-巴纳赫定理、对偶性、运算符;勒贝格测度、可测函数、可积性、Lᵖ ...
而在茫茫教材的海洋中,就有一本这样的教材,它由我们的老朋友,曾编写过常微分方程教材《An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations》的Robinson教授编写,它将带我们领略泛函分析的魅力,探寻泛函分析背后的秘密。 书籍简介 An Introduct...
Introduction to Functional Analysis (A.E.Taylor),泛函分析引论,国外引用最多的教材,难度适中,相关文档 Introduction to Functional Analysis 2ed (Angus E. Taylor David Lay) 0471846465 Milman Eidelman Tsolomitis Functional analysis An Introduction Functional Analysis - Introduction To Spectral Theory In ...
Functional analysis consists of the study of vector spaces endowed with an additional structure. This chapter explains the concept of a topological vector space, which is a vector space endowed with a topology compatible with the algebraic operations, that is, the topology makes vector addition and...
How to Become Pro in Functional Analysis: Metric Space? After calculus, Functional analysis: metric space is one of the advanced courses in mathematics. Moreover, Functional analysis: metric space is actually comprised of three areas, like metric space, topology, and norm space. In this course ...
first paragraph, unless anything is stated to the contrary. 1. MOTIVATING EXAMPLE: FOURIER SERIES 1.1. Fourier series: basic notions. Before proceed with an abstract theory we con- sider a motivating example: Fourier series. INTRODUCTION TO FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 5 1.1.1. 2π-periodic functions....
Texts in Statistical Science(共72册),这套丛书还有 《Modelling Binary Data, Second Edition》《The Analysis of Time Series (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science) 7th Edition》《Statistical Analysis of Financial Data》《An Introduction to Statistical Inference and Its Applications with R》《...
For an example of inorganic reactions in the graphite interlayer, metal chlorides are reduced to obtain fine metallic particles. The present paper also reports on the successful anionic polymerization of unsaturated hydrocarbons within the graphite interlayer. 展开 关键词: Functional analysis Banach spaces...
An Introduction to Functional Analysis 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版者: 作者:Swartz, Charles 出品人: 页数:600 译者: 出版时间:1992-1 价格:$ 110.68 装帧: isbn号码:9780824786434...