The structural analysis software plays an important role to carry out the seismic calculation for the infrastructures. In this modern period of time, where computer has reached every phase of life, usComputer Aided Seismic and Fire Retrofitting Analysis of Existing High Rise Reinforced Concrete ...
Introduction to ETABSThe structural analysis software plays an important role to carry out the seismic calculation for the infrastructures. In this modern period of time, where computer has reached every phase of life, usdoi:10.1007/978-94-017-7297-6_3Raja Rizwan Hussain...
The efficacy of conventional, virtual and hybrid outrigger system is compared by modelling a 30-storey RCC building in a finite element software, ETABS, for both static and dynamic loads. The results from the comparative study showed that hybrid outrigger system may be used as an efficient ...