Pearce N. A short introduction to epidemiology, Second edition. Wellington: Centre for Public Health Research, 2005.A Short Introduction to Epidemiology (2nd ed.). Centre for Public Health Research, Wellington, NZ.
a more discursive and critical assessment of epidemiology is also presented in which attention is drawn to the need to develop alternative epidemiologies which draw on lay knowledge and recognise the socio-political context of factors influencing health status. The book concludes with a description of...
An introduction to epidemiology at the work site. Jørn Olsen, Franco Merletti, David Snashall and Karel Vuylsteek, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1991. No. of Pages: ix + 87. Price: £10.95. ISBN: 0-19-261819-9. Statist. Med., 11: 849. doi: 10.1002/sim.4780110615 Publication ...
An Introduction to Public Health and Epidemiology 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 'The contents are not specifically nursing orientated but very neatly balanced to be of relevance to all working in the public health arena!the book is well written, the language is clear, and the concepts cle...
肿瘤流行病学(cancer epidemiology)是指研究某一人群中肿瘤及其相关健康问题的危险因素、发展和结局,探讨和制订有效的预防控制策略和措施的一门学科。 肿瘤流行病学通过描述肿瘤的人群、时间和地理分布,了解和掌握人口社会学因素、环境因素、生活方式与肿瘤的关系,探讨肿瘤发生和发展的危险因素,制订有效的预防和控制措施,...
流行病学 Introduction of Epidemiology-med-2014 Introduction of Epidemiology
The above reference, ActivEpi , pro- vides a convenient and hopefully enjoyable way to review epidemiology. Acknowledgments We thank Dr. Val Gebski of the NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, Sydney, Australia for providing continued insight on current methods of survival analysis and review of new ...
Fig. 4. Immunology, medical anthropology and epidemiology are integrated and imported to GWAS, EWAS and LEWAS. Using evidence-based medicine, the results will be used in personalized medicine [originally designed]. The way of using medical anthropology in clinical practice, starts from international...
Dr. Michael Schomaker is a Senior Researcher and Biostatistician at the Centre For Infectious Disease Epidemiology & Research (CIDER), University of Cape Town, South Africa. He received his doctoral degree from the University of Munich. He has taught undergraduate students from the business and medi...
In spite of recent reviews of the computational promises and deliveries of ABC samplers [116–118], the few applications in molecular evolution have been, to date, mostly limited to molecular epidemiology [119–122]. One of the major challenges to estimate a phylogenetic tree from a sequence ...