语篇分析导论ENGL640Introduction to Discourse Analysis: 课程内容: 本课程旨在向学生介绍口语和书面语篇分析的原则、目标和基本方法,即在语言使用的语境中学习语言。传统上,对于语言教师来说,语言分析主要意味着结构语法。然而在过去的二十年里,语言研究发生了根本性的转变,从研究孤立句子中脱离语境的结构转向研究语言的...
(原载于Sociological理论大缸公众号第348期) 按:我认为James Paul Gee这本An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method很好(据说重印过五次)。深入浅出,重要的是例子都很清晰和具体,尤其是第七章的case study(是关于working class和中产家庭的孩子在作I-st... (展开) 10 1 0回应 Melody芈奥...
(原载于Sociological理论大缸公众号第348期)按:我认为James Paul Gee这本An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method很好(据说重印过五次)。深入浅出,重要的是例子都很清晰和具体,尤其是第七章的case study(是关于working class和中产家庭的孩子在作I-statements时候的一些倾向),把前面理论的部分一个...
Introduction to DISCOURSE ANALYSIS ( DA ) Social Constructionist Epistemology / iesBrennan, Toni
It briefly introduces the reader to frameworks relevant to or related to multimodal discourse analysis and showcases some literature to indicate the vastness of the field on the one hand and to frame the book on the other hand. The chapter introduces the reader to literature that underpins the ...
An introduction to discourse analysis : theory and method = 话语分析入门 : 理论与方法 本书原名是Advances in Spoken Discourse Analysis,1992年由伦敦Routledge出版社出版,本书正文共254页.这是一本论文集,共收入论文12篇,主编是Malcolm Coulthard.本文... JamesPaulGee著,杨信彰导读 - An introduction to disc...
Theory & Method, An (Book)BOOKS -- ReviewsGEE, James PaulDISCOURSE analysisNONFICTIONINTRODUCTION to Discourse Analysis: Theory & Method, An (Book)BOOKS -- ReviewsGEE, James PaulDISCOURSE analysisNONFICTIONThe article reviews the book "An Introduction to Discourse Analysis: Theory and Method," by ...
Divided into two parts, this text presents an introduction to the elements and practice of discourse analysis in general, as well as an introduction to the actual kinds of discourse crucial to personal and professional life. In Part I, examples and practice exercises are used which make use of...
DA就是Discourse Analysis, CA可以看作是DA的一个分支。但是从另一方面来说,DA是语言学的一个分支,CA是社会学的一个分支。 DA-wrritten and spoken language, with a focus on the former; adopts a deductive methodology ( from the general to the specific ) CA-primarily spoken language, adopts an indu...
The central concern of this book is the analysis of verbal interaction or discourse. This first six chapters report and evaluate major theoretical advances in the description of discourse. The final chapters demonstrate how the findings of discourse analysis can be used to investigate second-language...