This chapter places digital technologies in the context of more general phenomena, such as a digital economy, digital innovation, digital transformation, digitalization, and digitization. In this way, the reader is oriented to the wider playground in which organizations operate and make informed ...
To sum up in more detail, one might identify the subsequent channels through which digitalization has had an impact on the economy: (1) digital technologies allow firms to transcend the boundaries of space, providing them with access to a larger, sometimes even global markets, and are thus cla...
business-to-business, and intra-business processes.This burgeoning interest in the global electronic infrastructure and digital economy is reflected in the growth of this track over the past few years -- from its minitrack status a few years ago to its current status as a full-fledge track. ...
Introduction to game system design and the digital economy minitrack The purpose of the minitrack is to provide a forum for researchers to discuss the business of video game either as a market itself or as a tool for business and society. The study of the design, use and impact of these...
Looking forward, development economics continues to evolve, integrating insights from interdisciplinary research and adapting to new challenges such as climate change, digital transformation, and global health crises. Addressing inequality and promoting inclusive growth remain central to achieving sustainable dev...
and even governments. This module frames the blockchain revolution around seven design principles. For each principle we describe a current problem to be solved, identify “blockchain breakthroughs” to these problems, and discuss the implications of these breakthroughs on the digital economy. We hope...
NotesonTextB2.Thedigitalhareshavegivengroundtoold-economytortoises.数字经济这只兔子最终让位于传统经济这只乌龟。givegroundto意思为“让步;退却”,这里指市场领导地位发生了巨大转变。NotesonTextB3.Sittingattheverybottomoftheperformance leaguetable arecruiselinerfirms,suchasCarnival,thathaveseentheirdebtssoar...
With sustainability a key item on every organisation’s agenda, it’s no wonder that it’s flowed into emerging and evolving technology. Now an essential consideration, I’ve put together a blog series to help us all understand the practicalities and imp
Crypto ETFsTrack the performance of cryptocurrencies by holding them or with futuresBitcoin for spot bitcoin ETFs; bitcoin and ether futuresExposure to cryptocurrency marketsProvides exposure to cryptocurrency markets without needing to directly buy or store digital currencies.Highly volatile and can be imp...
†Supported by the Foundation for Polish Science WELCOME/2010-4/2grant founded within the frame-work of the EU Innovative Economy(National Cohesion Strategy)Operational Programme Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without...