这是密歇根大学《Introduction to Data Science in Python》的Coursera 第四周(最后一周)的作业,要求使用pandas包实现真实世界的数据清洗,以验证一个猜测:大学城的房价并没有收到经济下滑的影响,使用到了独立样本t测验。 importpandasaspdimportnumpyasnpfromscipy.statsimportttest_ind Assignment 4 - Hypothesis Testing...
前前后后看了我三个月,总算全部好好的过了几遍,再回头看课程问题就觉得真心小儿科,这里就先把'Applied-Data-Science-with-Python/Introduction-to-Data-Science-in-Python'第三周课后代码发出来,供各位跟我一样还在PYTHON学习道路上奔跑的小伙伴们参考,一起努力! # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Created on Mo...
Quiz Answers 1. Python is an example of an Interpreted language This material was covered in the "Python Functions" lecture. 2. Data Science is a Interdisciplinary, made up of all of the above This material was covered in the "Data Science" lecture. 3. Data visualization is not a part ...
Andrew Ng Coursera week2 Logistic Regression with a Neural Network mindset 编程作业代码祥注与数据集 这是coursea吴恩达老师的Neural Networks and Deep Learningweek2的编程作业和离线数据 https://github.com/ZeroT900sk/week2 链表第一次尝试 作业 Coursera | Introduction to Data Science in Python(University...
10 - 1 - 01 Guest Segment Aaron Kimball Wibidata 上传者:danbaidong 09:12 10 - 2 - 02 Guest Segment Karen Hsu Datameer 上传者:danbaidong 09:13 9 - 8 - 08 DBSCAN (0913) 上传者:danbaidong 04:18 6 - 8 - 08 Visual Perception (Part 2) (418) ...
This course will prepare you to complete all parts of the Clinical Data Science Specialization. In this course you will learn how clinical data are generated, the format of these data, and the ethical and legal restrictions on these data. You will also l
Translational science seeks to speed up the process of moving research discoveries from the laboratory into healthcare practices. Numerous scientific and organizational roadblocks can act as obstacles along the path of translation and ultimately hinder t
Repository files navigation README datasci_course_materials Public repository for course materials for the Spring 2013 session of Introduction to Data Science, an online coursera course.About Public repository for course materials for the Spring 2013 session of Introduction to Data Science, an online ...
Repository files navigation README datasci_course_materials Public repository for course materials for the Spring 2013 and 2014 sessions of Introduction to Data Science, an online coursera course.About Public repository for course materials for the Spring 2013 session of Introduction to Data Science, ...
最近在 Coursera 上学习一门大数据相关的课程 Introduction to Big Data,选择这门课的初衷是,希望系统地了解从数据产生,存储,清理,到输入到机器学习模型,再到用于预测或分析整个过程。 课程背景 制作学校是:University of California, San Diego,两位老师是: ...