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Introduction 中国简介英文课件PPT课件 Seafood is a major component of Shandong cuisine. Shandongs most famous dish is the Sweat and Sour Carp. Sichuan Cuisine, known often in the West as Szechuan Cuisine, is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world. Introduction of China ——第十...
01 Introduction to China《你好,中国》•用英语介绍中国 你好,中国!Hello,China!•精听细读║母语级磨耳朵 01IntroductiontoChina TheancientYellowRiverflowsuninterruptedlyfromwesttoeastforthousandsofyears.Silkwasmadeintocloth,whileclaywasmadeintopotteryandceramics.MillionsofstoneswerepiledintotheGreatWall.The...
China is one of the largest trading partners of the United States. To take advantage of this huge economic shift and opportunities, learning to speak Chinese is a great way to give our children an advantage in the increasingly competitive business world. The Languages in China Chinese Language ...
China Shandongprovince PacificOcean.Population ▪1.4billions▪56ethnicgroups,mostofpeopleareHan.▪Territoryarea:9.6millionssquarekm Climate Chineseclimatesdifferfromregiontoregionbecauseofthecountry'sextensiveandplextopography.Inthenorth,wewillexperienceseasons,butinthesouth,mostofthetimewillbewarmorhot.Symb...
china义勇军进行曲〔Anthem〕起来! 不愿做奴隶的人们! 把我们的血肉, 筑成我们新的长城! 中华民族到了 最危险的时候, 每个人被迫着 发出最後的吼声! 起来! 起来! 起来! 我们万众一心, 冒着敌人的炮火 前进, 冒着敌人的炮火 前进! 前进! 前进!进!! Thechairmen SomethingFamousFamousfestival--theSpringFesti...
Something represent ChinaThe compass Gunpowder The art of paper-making block Printing第3页/共46页The Great Wall第4页/共46页china第5页/共46页第6页/共46页第7页/共46页义勇军进行曲(Anthem )起来! 不愿做奴隶的人们! 把我们的血肉, 筑成我们新的长城! 中华民族到了 最危险的时候, 每个人被迫着...
中国简介(英文版)brief introduction of China-ppt.ppt Brief introduction of Chinese 2017.10.10 Overview Basic information Symbols of China Chinese culture Living in China Basic information The People’s Republic of China is commonly called China. National flag: the Five-Starred Red Flag Capital: ...
中国简介(英文版)brief introduction of china-pptppt 下载积分:2800 内容提示: Brief introduction of Chinese 2017.10.10 文档格式:PPT | 页数:22 | 浏览次数:30 | 上传日期:2019-06-24 09:44:43 | 文档星级: Brief introduction of Chinese 2017.10.10 阅读...
Kung Fu is not only a way to physical exercise, but also includes the Chinese philosophy and aesthetics. Symbols of China Beijing Opera Forbidden City Terracotta soldiers and horses of the Qin Dynasty …… “中国简介 英文版 brief introduction of China”PPT教案课件 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载...