IntroductiontoChemicalIntroductiontoChemicalEquilibriumEquilibriumChapter15Chapter15CHEM160CHEM160•ConsidercolorlessfrozenN2O4.Atroomtemperature,itdecomposestobrownNO2:N2O4(g) 2NO2(g).•Atsometime,thecolorstopschangingandwehaveamixtureofN2O4andNO2.•Chemicalequilibriumisthepointatwhichtheconcentrationsofallspe...
Book Review: An Introduction to Chemical Equilibrium and Kinetics. By L. MeitesNo abstract is available for this article.doi:10.1002/anie.198205521W. A. P. LuckJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdAngewandte Chemie International Edition in English
Introduction to Equilibrium Part 2 of 3 In this episode you will learn the definition of chemical equilibrium and how to describe equilibrium in terms of the rates of the forward and reverse reactions as well as in terms of the concentrations of reactants and products Introduction to Equilibrium...
Students' and teachers' misapplication of le chatelier's principle: Implications for the teaching of chemical equilibrium The aim of this article was to study the reasons, strategies, and procedures that both students and teachers use to solve some chemical equilibrium questio... Juan,Quílez-...
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Chapter 10 Vapor/liquid equilibrium: introduction Smith 氣液相平衡 理想溶液 熱力性質與組成成正比的溶液 勞特定律 亨利定律 巨觀的相平衡觀察 微觀的相平衡觀察 工程量測與計算衍生之定義需求 相律 多成分多相系統的變數個數 獨立的相平衡方程式的個數 系統自由度...
In this chapter we present a brief introduction to chemical kinetics. Key concepts like: reversibility of chemical reactions, reaction rate, reaction rate constant, and chemical equilibrium, are introduced and discussed. The most important of the results here derived is the so-called law of mass ...
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics IntroductiontoChemicalEngineering Thermodynamics Chapter10Vapor/liquidequilibrium:introduction Smith 1 Chapter10.2 Vapor/liquidequilibrium:introduction 氣液相平衡 理想溶液 熱力性質與組成成正比的溶液 勞特定律亨利定律 Chapter10.3 Vapor/liquid...
The concept of a dynamic chemical equilibrium was offered as an explanatory model to account for the anomalous data. This model was adopted by students, usually reasoning that all macroscopic conditions for the two opposite reactions to take place are being satisfied in the equilibrium situation. ...
Chemical biologyapplies the rules of chemistry to biological systems. 从学科思想的角度来看: 化学是研究分子行为的学科。(化学的分支学科则在特定范围内研究) 有机化学平衡定性与定量方法,可用于解释生物进化所需的分子多样性。 化学生物学将化学规则应用于生物系统。
In this textbook, the affinity of irreversible processes, defined by the second law of thermodynamics, has been treated as the main subject, rather than the equilibrium of chemical reactions. The concept of affinity is applicable in general not only to the processes of chemical reactions but also...