In particular, we analyze the constraints that big bang nucleosynthesis places upon the possible time variation of fundamental constants, along with constraints on the nature and origin of dark matter and dark energy, long-lived supersymmetric particles, gravity waves, and the primordial magnetic field...
such as big bang nucleosynthesis, as well as more speculative topics, such as theories of dark matter and its genesis, baryogenesis, phase transitions and soliton physics – all of which receive much more coverage than is usual. As...
V. Tips of Thermodynamics VI. Nucleosynthesis in the Early Universe VII. Prediction and Discovery of Cosmic Microwave background VIII Shortcoming of the Big-Bang Cosmology IX. Inflationary universe X. Inevitable Quantum fluctuation XI. Structure Formation of the Universe XII. Inflation Again in the P...
Introduction to Particle Cosmology This book introduces the basic concepts of particle cosmology and covers all the main aspects of the Big Bang Model (expansion of the Universe, Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, Cosmic Microwave Background, large scale structures) and the search... C Bambi,AD Dolgov - ...
逃逸速度vesc=2GMr=2vcirc。 潮汐力Ftidal(Moon)=2GMEarthMMoonREarthdEarth-Moon3。 洛伦兹因子γ=11−v2c2。 光子能量E=hf,其中普朗克常数h=6.6×10−34(J⋅s)。 维恩位移定律λpeak=2.9×106(nm⋅K)T。 流强F是一个天体单位时间从其表面单位面积所辐射出的能量。
Big-Bang NucleosynthesisContents: 1. The standard cosmological model. 2. Determination of the cosmological parameters. 3. The cosmic microwave background. 4. The standard big-bang nucleosynthesis. 5. The large scale structure formation. 6. Some cosmological limits on the parameters of exotic ...
It is shown that the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis constraints on the cosmological baryon density, when compared with dynamical arguments, demonstrate that the bulk of the baryons are dark and also that the bulk of the matter in the universe is non-baryonic. The recent extragalactic deuterium ...
An Introduction to Primordial Nucleosynthesisdoi:10.1051/EAS:0832002A. CocEDP Sciences
This book introduces the basic concepts of particle cosmology and covers all the main aspects of the Big Bang Model (expansion of the Universe, Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, Cosmic Microwave Background, large scale structures) and the search for new physics (inflation, baryogenesis, dark matter, dark...