巨大的金字塔、雄伟的神庙、金色的宝藏、神秘的象形文字、强大的法老、奇怪的神灵和神秘的木乃伊是古埃及文化的特征,几千年来一直吸引着人们。 圣经提到了它的神、统治者和金字塔。古代近东和地中海的邻近文化写下了其神一样的国王和看似无穷无尽的黄金供应。 希腊...
Introduction to Ancient Egypt (Pocket 1)
古埃及、古希腊及古罗马神话入门简介(A brief introduction to myths of ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and Rome) 古埃及、古希腊及古罗马神话入门简介(A brief introduction to myths of ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and Rome) A brief introduction to the myths of ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and ...
《Illustrated Introduction to Ancient Egypt》(Booth,Charlotte)内容简介:The ancient Egyptians were not that different from people today and were driven by love, romance, go...
古埃及、古希腊及古罗马神话入门简介(Abriefintroductiontomythsof..古埃及、古希腊及古罗马神话入门简介(A brief introduction to myths of ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and Rome)A brief introduction to the myths of ancient Egypt, ancient Greece and ancient Rome (update time: 2005-9-17 17:12:00,...
The ancient Egyptians called their country Kemet (referring to the black fertile soil). *Deshret, from ancient Egyptian, was the formal name for theRed Crown of Lower Egyptand forthe desert Red Landon either side ofKemet, the fertile Nile river basin. When combined with theHedjet (White Cro...
5.The___(文明)of ancient Egypt and Babylon played a very important role in history. 6.A trade a___between China and the USA has been made. 7.The Eiffel Tower is generally considered to be the l___of Paris. 8.The two trains are traveling in o___ directions, one to the south...
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materials engineering,offshore engineering,quantity surveying,coastal engineering,surveying,and construction engineering.Civil engineering takes place on all levels:in the public sector from municipal through to national governments,and in the private sector from individual homeowners through to international ...
Concise Introduction Ancient Egypt 作者:James, T. G. H. 页数:208 ISBN:9780714119663 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价