To offline caching into a full section. Chap16: a more intuitive explanation of the potential functions to analyze table doubling and halving. Chap17: augmenting data structures was relocated from Part III to Part V. Chap25: a new chapter about matchings in bipartite graphs. It presents algori...
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Alonzo Church was a pioneer in the field of mathematical logic, whose contributions to number theory and the theories of algorithms and computability laid the theoretical foundations of computer science. His first Princeton book, "The Calculi of Lambda-Conversion" (1941), established an invaluable ...
ntroduction to Linear Algebra(Strang) 上传者:u011675558时间:2013-08-12 Introduction to Linear Algebra_5th_2016_by Gilbert Strang.pdf 线性代数的讲义,供大家下载学习,这个当时找了好久, 上传者:faaguang时间:2019-10-12 Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4th edition--Gilbert Strang ...
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A brief introduction to weakly supervised learning(简要介绍弱监督学*),by南大周志华摘要监督学习技术通过学习大量训练数据来构建预测模型,其中每个训练样本都有其对应的真值输出。尽管现有的技术已经取得了巨大的成功,但值得注意的是,由于数据标注过程的高成本,
Zhu X. Semi-supervised learning literature survey. Technical Report 1530. Department of Computer Sciences, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Madison, WI, 2008 [ http://www.cs.∼jerryzhu/pub/ssl ̇survey.pdf]. Zhou Z-H and Li M. Semi-supervised learning by disagreement. Know...
Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Second Edition, pdf 计算理论导论 第二版 電子書 上传者:adamdingliang时间:2013-02-13 计算理论导引答案 Michael sipser 计算理论导论的答案~~~大家可以参考看看 上传者:jessica0320时间:2010-03-07 计算理论导引(第一版)练习 ...