In this chapter, I will introduce the concepts of artificial intelligence and machine learning to the user and discuss how these topics have evolved over the last several decades. I will also lay the outline of the book and describe how different parts of the book are organized and how they...本课程重点关注高效的机器学习和系统。这是一个至关重要的领域,因为深度神经网络需要非凡的计算水平,阻碍了其在日常设备上的部署,并给云基础设施带来了负担。本课程介绍高效的人工智能计算技术,可在资源受限的设备上实现
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the general term for being able to make computers do things that require intelligence if done by humans. AI can be broken down into two major fields, Machine Learning (ML) and Neural Networks (NN). Both are subfields under Artificial Intelligence, and each one...
光速宝宝QvQ创建的收藏夹模型量化压缩内容, Lecture 1 - Introduction (MIT 6.5940, Fall 2023,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
Discover curated trainings for those new to AI and looking for an introduction to artificial intelligence. Gain experience with generative AI.
Introduction to Alibaba Cloud Platform for AI The emergence and widespread adoption of Machine Learning (ML) technologies have triggered an increased demand for ML hardware and software systems, leading to a notable proliferation of organizations involved in the development of ML inference chips. This ...
Discover how machine learning can be used to build predictive models for AI. Learn how software can be used to process, analyze, and extract meaning from natural language and to process images and video to understand the world the way we do. Find out how to build intellige...
Responsible AI for LLMs ( Leverage MLOps for Large Language Models, i.e., LLMOps: Over the years, MLOps has demonstrated its ability to enhance the development, deployment, and maintenance of ML models, leading to more agile and efficient machine learning...
02 23 - Leonardo AI Motion Tool to Create Videos from Images 05:41 24 - Kaiber AI Introduction and Creating a Flipboo 08:02 25 - Kaiber AI to Create Motion Video using a Leon 05:35 26 - Kaiber AI to Generate an Animated Version of 03:03 27 - Runway ML to transform a Video ...
人工智能(AI): Artifical intelligence is intelligence exhibited by machines. AI学科: The subject AI is about themethodologyof designing machines to accomplish intelligence-based tasks. AI方法论: Rule-based(直接对规则进行编程) Data-based Expert systems(专家基于数据创造规则,在系统中占据十分核心的位置) ...