African American Literature 热度: AFRO335 SurveyoftheCivilRightsMovement Instructor:KentGermany Office:Gambrell226 phone:777-9587(Gambrell) OfficeHours:MW3:00-4:30p.m. Orbyappointment [Thissyllabusissubjecttochange.PleaseseethecoursesiteonBlackboardforthemostup-to-dateinformation ...
Like many African-Americans, Hughes was of mixed ancestry. Both of Hughes's paternal great-grandmothers were enslaved Africans, and both of his paternal great-grandfathers were white slave owners in Kentucky. According to Hughes, one of these men was Sam Clay, a Scottish-American whiskey distille...
现兼任罗德斯大学(Rhodes University)非洲与南南艺术研究项目研究员,Journal of African Cultural Studies编委成员,国家社科基金青年项目“20世纪60年代以来尼日利亚戏剧文化变迁”课题负责人,在African Arts,Journal of African Culture Studies,Routeledge Handbook of African Literature,African Theatre等出版物发表多篇学术论文。
Introduction to African American Studies: Transdisciplinary Approaches and ImplicationsThere is an ongoing debate as to whether African American Studies is a discipline, or multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary field. Some scholars assert that African American Studies use a well-defined common a...
With voices ranging from Phillis Wheatley in the late eighteenth century to Barack Obama in the twenty-first, presents multiple perspectives on key controversies that probe the fundamental relationship between race and democracy. (Norton Pub)Henry Louis / Burton...
George Eaton Simpson, The Shango Cult in Trinidad (Institute of Caribbean Studies, University of Puerto Rico, 1965), p109. This is a contemporary description of a nineteenth-century American revival, given by Simpson in order to compare it with African ritual. Simpson’s description is quoted ...
Some of the general problems of reading African American literature from an environmentally oriented perspective have to do with the ways in which, from an African American studies perspective, writing about nature has oftentimes been taken either as a trivial or accommodationist form of art that ...
Duzant, R. (2005).Differences of emotional tone and story length of African American respondents when administered the Contemporized Themes Concerning Blacks test versus the Thematic Apperception Test. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, IL. ...
The book was commonly referenced in African American slave narratives, such as "Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom" by Ellen and William Craft, to emphasize the moral and religious implications of slavery.[71] Hannah Hurnard's novelHinds' Feet on High Places(1955) uses a similar allegorical ...
Rebecca Kumar Department of African American Studies and English, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA Seulghee Lee Corresponding author Correspondence to Rebecca Kumar . Editor information Editors and Affiliations English Faculty, Spelman College, Atlanta, GA, USA Rebecca Kumar College of ...