Apparently, the COVID-19 pandemic had multi-pronged impacts on the health systems that resulted in reciprocal feedback from the health systems, which determined the new patterns and characteristics of COVID-19-related variables. An understanding of the COVID-19-health systems nexus is fundamental ...
Introduction: Gendered Perspectives on Covid-19 Recovery in Africa—Towards Sustainable Development Chapter © 2021 Advancing Women’s Empowerment in the Gulf: Pathways, Challenges, and Policy Implications Chapter © 2024 Sustainable Development and Curbing Gender Inequality Through Inclusion of Wom...
At this point, I’m not sure COVID-19 is going to allow me to travel to Taibei for my Taiwan Fellowship this fall. So I may have to continue learning Chinese outside of an immersion environment. Of course, that’s likely how most people in the world learn a language. So we need ...
When expressed as world population coverage (i.e., weighted by population size), global coverage of the final HPV dose for 2019 is estimated at 15%. There is a long way to go to meet the 2030 elimination target of 90%. In the post-COVID era attention should be paid to maintain the...
However, the potential impact of COVID-19 on the evaluation of AESI as determined in pre-vaccination pre-COVID-19 period requires continuous monitoring of the situation. Sensitivity analyses may be conducted considering COVID-19 pandemic periods for both studies....
We developed a topic guide asking about their views on organ donation, the law change, NHSBT’s publicity campaign, specific ethnic and/or religious views on organ donation and the impact of COVID-19 (Supplementary file 4). Recruitment was a mix of convenience and snow balling via our ...
同年早些时候,2020年1月7日,就在 COVID-19 大流行病开始在全球蔓延时,安吉尔在他受欢迎的 Instagram 账户上发布了一幅德国医学插图(没有提供日期;看起来是十九世纪末的,可能来自一本比较解剖学教科书 a comparative anatomy textbook),显示了生殖器多样变化的光谱(a spectrum of genital variation),并附有以下引述...
We have reinforced these statements over the past year to promote organizational culture despite the challenges posed by COVID-19. We have intensified our efforts through the launch of our Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging initiative and by expanding partnerships, training, recruiting and mentor ...
The recent COVID-19 crisis has highlighted once more the importance of being able to answer these questions quantitatively... By combining models of the asset demand system with models of corporate decision making, we obtain an integrated model of asset pricing and corporate finance.…. Indeed, ...
Kanamura (2023) proposes two new regime-switching volatility models to empirically analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hotel stock prices in Japan compared with the US, taking into account the role of stock markets. Monetary Andreadis et al. (2023) investigates the dynamic properties...