without actually using them up front. For example, if you were opening a debate for gay marriage on the pro side, you should mention broad points, such as the idea of equal rights. You should not include specific numbers in your introduction. ...
Introduction definition: the act of introducing or the state of being introduced. . See examples of INTRODUCTION used in a sentence.
integrative, comprehensive, incorporating, comprised of, including, as a whole 20、表示“转折” despite, however, still, since, while whereby, yet, though, although, nonetheless 21、表示“前人的观点” In the past debate, modern view, in the prevailing view, in the recent literature, in the ...
motions.Theycanbecalled,forexample:topics, subjects,resolutions,moots,proposals,propositionsor issues.Motionsareusuallywordedas—thishouse believesthat… II.Purposeofmotion: Inparliamentarydebate,themotionindentifiesa problemorsituationthatcouldbechanged.The purposeofthedebateistotestwhethertheproposed change...
(...) There exists a multitude of methods for __ (...) Another method for addressing this issue is described in [ref]. (...) A range of techniques have been proposed in the literature. For example, __ (...) In the work of [ref], these issues are addressed using a __ (.....
The debate about the introduction of a 'flat tax' on income in political circles in the United States, which referred to the implementation of such a tax regime in the Baltic states and which was consequently championed by sections within the British Conservative Party in 2004/5 and by the ...
A statement of the importance of the subject 引言部分的第一段需要给出研究领域的大背景及其重要性所在。这个大背景勾勒出该领域科研成果从古至今的一个走向或者趋势 (what is known),为接下来本论文课题的发展生长提供温床。这部分内容的展开一定要引用该领域前人、大牛的经典文献或者奠基性著作,体现你对于该学科...
There exists a very extensive literature on the topic of __ (...) In the literature, these have been extensively investigated in an attempt to __ (...) There is also a large body of work in this area considering __ (...)
2. Establish a Connection And what better way to do it than through sharing a brief insight into your background or interests that relate to the story you’re about to tell? Example: “I am who I am today because of what came after the split: my step-parents. Because I met them at...