文章统计了发表在两本顶级期刊中的文献,以IMRaD结构(即由Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion为一级大纲的论文结构)详细记录了文献各节的段落数分布和一些元素的构成数。 基于这些结果和其它文献,作者针对IMRaD格式论文提出了一个简单的内容模型,将25-30段作为SCI原稿的标准。 段落分布以及元素分布 理想情况下...
“In contrast tothese studies, our study focuses on..., which have not yet explicitly been addressed and in addition includes recently published paper.” 作为前后文的衔接,这部分的文字没必要太多,起到作用就可以了。 4. Introducing present research 要开始说正事儿了。 这里可以说说你写这篇文章的目的...
SCI论文的引言Introduction该怎么写? 大家都在知道理工类论文一般用IMRAD结构呈现,Introduction部分则是从general--specific的倒金字塔式结构:大背景-小背景-相关因素A/B/C-尚未解决的research gap-我的研究目的和方法。那么是什么因素决定了Introduction写的好还是不好? 印第安纳大学信息学院周耀旗教授在他的文章“写好英...
文章统计了发表在两本顶级期刊中的文献,以IMRaD结构(即由Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion为一级大纲的论文结构)详细记录了文献各节的段落数分布和一些元素的构成数。 基于这些结果和其它文献,作者针对IMRaD格式论文提出了一个简单的内容模型,将25-30段作为SCI原稿的标准。 段落分布以及元素分布 理想情况下...
2. Previous Research 第二步,可以介绍前人的经验了。 这时候可以描述一下前人的研究都做了什么,并且有意识地拉回到自己的研究,让自己的课题闪亮登场。此段可长可短,如果你感觉你的目标群体不是很熟悉这个领域的课题,可以多写一些基本的概念,比如定义、理论、特殊方法等等。所以,对于IMRaD类的文章(introduction, mat...
话不多说继续举个栗子:This study aims to investigate the feelings of students and academic staff in relation to students doing part-time work. It also aims to analyse the findings of the research in order to establish the advantages and disadvantages that such work may have for students....
Bmc Research NotesOriokot L, Buwembo W, Munabi IG, Kijjambu SC. The introduction, methods, results and discussion (IMRAD) structure: a Survey of its use in different authoring partnerships in a students' journal. BMC Res Notes. 2011;4:250....
(The writer establishes the importance of this research green solvents.) Background 2.Over the past two decades, ionic liquids (ILs) have gained much attention from the scientific community, and the number of reported articles in the literature has grown exponentially. 学术英语Introduction Theme: ...
Bmc Research NotesOriokot L, Buwembo W, Munabi IG, Kijjambu SC. The introduction, methods, results and discussion (IMRAD) structure: a survey of its use in different authoring partnerships in a students' journal. BMC Res Notes. 2011;4:250....
Swales and Freak (1994): the key role is to create a research space for the writer. It is the introduction that the writer makes claims for the centrality or significance of the research in question and begins to outline the overall argument of the thesis. Journal: positioning the writer as...