Humanitésnumériques:laculturefaceauxnouvellestechnologies.Paris: Le Cavalier bleu.Wellershoff, Dieter. 1989.Die Auflösung des Kunstbegriffs. Frankfurt am Main: Suhr-kamp.Westecott, Emma. 2009. ‘The Player Character as Performing Object.’ Proceedingsof DiGRA.Westerside, Andrew, and Jussi ...
8We refer to the thesis of Alain Mothu in “Le manuscrit philosophique existe-t-il?,” in Jean-Louis Lebrave and Almuth Grésillon, Ecrire aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (Paris: Editions du CNRS, 2000), 59–74. The mentioned cases, among others, actually support the opposite thesis.9...
artists have created that the South Pacific evoked among us all a quickened pulse, a myriad of images-romantic, peaceful to a point of languor , adven- turesome to the point of intrigue ." 2 1 Not to mention the di- versity of potential and existing sexual and gender relations as 21....
gender inequalityIn this introduction to a special issue on Person–Organisation Fit it is argued that future studies on P–O fit should pay more attention to criteria of variability and the value of fit for selecting the components of the fit measure. Moreover, more within-person designs ...
Gender:itisonthewholenatural,determinedby biologicalgenderofthecreature. English:waiter,waitress Frenchisanexception,notdependentonthenatural distinction. Chinese? Case English Pronounshavethreecasesofnominative(I,he, she…),accusative(me,him,her…)andgenitive (my,his,her…). Nounshavetwocases:general(Jo...
François Mélonio, “Les libéraux français et leur histoire,”Les libéralismes, la théorie politique et l’histoire, ed. Siep Stuurmann, (Amsterdam: Amsterdam U.P., 1994) 35–47. 59. See Chap.6of this book. 60. Staël should have read Burke’sReflections on the French Revoluti...
The cardiovascular transport circuit is involved in both mass and heat transfer. It carries blood cells as well as oxygen and nutrients to cells of the body’s organs through the perfusing systemic arterial bed and wastes produced by working cells to the
Non-declarative Japanese sentences, on the other hand, frequently suppress aux-iliary verbs, the copula, and the question particle, especially in casual speech, where intonation and tone of voice provide clues in guessing the intended speech act. Casual interrogatives take the form of (26a) ...
memory studies, linguistics,gender studies and narrative theory.Particularlynotable are Irene deJong and RenéNünlist’sTime in Ancient Greek Literature(Leiden andBoston2007), and deJong’sSpace in AncientGreek Literature(Leiden andBoston2012), as they showcase the ap-plication of narratology through ...
El Otmani, S.; Chebli, Y.; Hornick, J.L.; Cabaraux, J.F.; Chentouf, M. Growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of male goat kids supplemented by alternative feed resources: Olive cake and cactus cladodes. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 2021, 272, 114746. [Google Scho...