You can listen to me talk about introducing yourself as much as you like but if you don't start playing with the language and the ideas that I'm sharing today to make it useful and relevant for yourself, what's the point?最好的是,你看视频的时候旁边有笔记本,以便在学习过程中记一些笔记...
Hi, yes it's nice to see you again too. So, listen. Today, we're going to be looking at how to introduce yourself in the IELTS speaking part 1, including how to give your name and how to talk about your home or your hometown, work or studies.嗨,很高兴再见到大家。听着。今天,...
object of desire made me nervous, to tell you the truth. One cannot control how desirable one is to others. I knew I’d have to count on the other actors to endow me with that. But, Aaron just wrote her beautifully. She’s a smart, intelligent woman. She has a PhD in this ...
36)Howmuchdoyouexpectyouwillhavetospendeachyearinthe UnitedStates? 37)HowdoyousupportyourselfduringyourstudiesintheUnitedStates? 38)DoyouplantoseekFinancialsupportintheUS? 39)Whowillbeyoursponsor?Howmuchishisannalincomeandwhatwillbetheamountyouwillreceiveannually?Doyouhaveabankdepositcertification? 40)Doyou...
Howtointroduceyourself Abasicguide Greetings Hello Hi Hey! Yo! What’sup? How’sitgoing? Alright? Eyup Howdy Greetings Goodday Goodmorning Goodevening Sup? Howareyou? Gladtomeetyou Gladtoseeyou Gladtohearfromyou Name 1.MynameisXianChenbutmyfriends callmeChen 2.I’mcalledChen 3.Chenisthename,...
And of course, if you can introduce yourself clearly and confidently, you’ll make a great first impression with people that you meet. This is going to help you build great relationships, to make friends and be liked which really, deep down is what we all really want. ...