1-Introduce China in English IntroduceChinainEnglish 用英语说中国 ChapterOne TheAimofhavingThiscourse:本课程的教学目的:本课程的教学目的:WiththechangeoftheroleofEnglish,andtheestablishmentofinterculturalcommunicationasanindependentsubject,thegoalofthecurrentEnglishteachingistocultivateaninterculturalpersonratherthana...
Introduce China in English The ancient Yellow River flows uninterrupted from east to west for thousands of years. Silk was made into cloth, while clay was made into pottery and ceramics. Millions of stones were piled ...
The Everyday Life: Don't forget to mention the everyday experiences that make China so unique – the bustling street markets, the teahouses, the friendly locals. Keep it Personal Ultimately, the best way to introduce China is to share your own personal experiences. What surpris...
Introduce China in English - Family LifeGuangyu Shen
从古代的四大发明到现代的发展历程,都可以作为介绍的素材 5楼2023-12-29 06:38 回复 小漾呀 此外,还可以提及对中国产生重要影响的历史人物或事件 6楼2023-12-29 06:38 回复 小漾呀 3. Culture and Values(文化和价值观): 可以讨论中国文化中的各个方面,例如饮食文化、艺术形式(书法、绘画)、传统...
“Chinese students should be proud of our own culture,” said Wu Minsu, Professor from Communication University of China. “I hope they will tell more people across the world about stories of China through their great English.”【小题1】The competition is to give students a chance to ...
The Committee urges Macao, China, to introduce into its legislation an offence of sexual harassment in the workplace which carries sanctions proportionate to the severity of the offence. 委员会促请中国澳门在其法律中将工作场所的性骚扰列为犯罪,按罪行严重程度实施相应的制裁。 UN-2 I just wanted...
InDecember14,2013,theCollegeEnglishTest(CET) Bands4and6wereheldinChina.Intheexamination,the biggestchallengeforstudentswasthetranslationpart.Inthis partthesentencestranslationhasbeenchangedintoparagraph translation,thisparagraphtranslationinvolvedChinahistory, culture,economy,socialdevelopmentandsoon.Somephrases ,such...
farming". In fact, these are not very difficult task. The students can't translate these famous Chinese phrases shows the sorrow of our English education, students know foreign things but don't know how to introduce Chinese things to the foreign people. Nowadays college students in China spend...
3.to introduce oneself 自我介绍;带领;引导: to introduce a guest into the parlour 领客人进客厅;使体验;使认识;使熟悉: to introduce somebody to skiing 向某人传授滑雪经验;引进,传入;采用,推行: a plant introduced into China 引入中国的一种植物 ▼introduce 的短语 introduce的用法总结大全 introduce 的...