From deepest prehistory to Classical Antiquity, the region's past has provided a source of archaeological enquiry and a search for the roots of Western civilization and modernity. Yet the region's more recent past has largely remained the domain of histo- rians using textual sources. Notably, ...
The Polish filmmaker Kazimierz Kutz once complained about Western attitudes towards Polish cinema during the Cold War, arguing that Polish films 'never had to compete intellectually': 'we were allowed to enter salons in dirty boots to describe communism, which the public wished a quick death'.12...
Such conflicting accounts fed into wider debates concerning the state of Western civilization and the health and fertility of the German "race" following the rupture and trauma of the war, with commentators delighting in contrasting the traditional, maternal or virginal woman of the Wilhelmine era ...
oral history was thus integrated into a new me- morial culture that was developing parallel to the decline of traditional industrial working classes in an era of Western deindustrialization.36 The Johnston and McIvor chapter in this volume on strategies developed to inform people of the asbestos ha...
With regard, of course, to local specificities, this volume aims to respond to Warwick Anderson's provocation 'to look for what is colonial about Western medicine in any setting' (1998: 522). Furthermore, as Anderson makes clear, 'we need to recognize that the basic language of Western ...