Homer:Iliad《伊利亚特》;Odyssey《奥德赛》3)DramaticPoems(戏剧诗)(戏剧诗)Danti:DivineComedy《神曲》usu.ParadiseLostblankverseMilton:indialogue;in《失乐园》2.KindsofPoetry Intermsofmetre:1)MetricalPoems(格律诗)(格律诗)RegularRhyme;RegularRhythm;DefiniteNumberofLines 2)FreeVerse(自由诗)(自由诗)...
Aliteraryform Writteninlines Richimagery Greatartisticappeal Beautifulharmony Compressedcontent AnIntroductiontoEnglishPoetryAnIntroductiontoEnglishPoetry 20212 Danti:DivineComedy《神曲》 Milton:ParadiseLost《失乐园》 Homer:Iliad《伊利亚特》;Odyssey《奥德赛》 3)DramaticPoems(戏剧诗) 2)NarrativePoems(叙事诗) 1)...
A literary form Written in lines Rich imagery Great artistic appeal Beautiful harmony Compressed content An Introduction to English Poetry Danti: Divine Comedy《神曲》 Milton: Paradise Lost 《失乐园》 Homer: Iliad《伊利亚特》; Odyssey《奥德赛》 3) Dramatic Poems(戏剧诗) 2) Narrative Poems(叙事诗)...
b Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing a Ever a child can do! b 3) abba(首尾韵): I hold it true , whate’er befall ; a I feel it when I sorrow most ; b ’Tis better to have loved and lost b Than never to have loved at all. a 4) abcb(二四韵): Spring is green,...
* An Introduction to English Poetry 1. What is poetry? A literary form Written in lines Rich imagery Great artistic appeal Beautiful harmony Compressed content Danti: Divine Comedy《神曲》 Milton: Paradise Lost 《失乐园》 Homer: Iliad《伊利亚特》; Odyssey《奥德赛》 3) Dramatic Poems(戏剧诗) 2...
* An Introduction to English Poetry 1. What is poetry? A literary form Written in lines Rich imagery Great artistic appeal Beautiful harmony Compressed content Danti: Divine Comedy《神曲》 Milton: Paradise Lost 《失乐园》 Homer: Iliad《伊利亚特》; Odyssey《奥德赛》 3) Dramatic Poems(戏剧诗) 2...
Aliteraryform Writteninlines Richimagery Greatartisticappeal Beautifulharmony Compressedcontent AnIntroductiontoEnglishPoetry Danti:DivineComedy《神曲》 Milton:ParadiseLost《失乐园》 Homer:Iliad《伊利亚特》;Odyssey《奥德赛》 3)DramaticPoems(戏剧诗) 2)NarrativePoems(叙事诗) 1)LyricalPoems(抒情诗) 2.Kindsof...
Homer:Iliad《伊利亚特》;Odyssey《奥德赛》3)DramaticPoems(戏剧诗)(戏剧诗)Danti:DivineComedy《神曲》usu.ParadiseLostblankverseMilton:indialogue;in《失乐园》2.KindsofPoetry Intermsofmetre:1)MetricalPoems(格律诗)(格律诗)RegularRhyme;RegularRhythm;DefiniteNumberofLines 2)FreeVerse(自由诗)(自由诗)...