介绍1 mgallery storm intro介绍演示.pdf,M GA L L E RY BY S OF I S T OR M – A B RA N D I NG U N IV E R S E 3 OBJECTIVE OF STORM To reveal the – the ‘‘true story’’– of each ho and bring it to life. This is part of the STORyMaking process. M GA L L E
1 Intro to Philosophy, Spring 2012 Handout 4 Torrey Wang The end of the second Meditation marks a crescendo of Descartes' general disdain for the senses considered as sources of truth (AT 7.32).1 Hence, he concludes that he knows for certain only that he is a thinking thing. What else ...
Here we are treating it not as a concept subject to the proofs of economic "science." Rather, we are dealing with the notion of value as a premise or hypothesis, that is, as an insight central to an understanding of Marx's own conception of capitalism as a social formation. 5. Marx,...
The supposed adherents were a motley bunch of dissenting artists who worked in an exceptionally tense, competitive and factionalised art world where political contingencies were yoked to cultural production. Thus the "proofs" of the school's existence are the gallery brochures, exhibition review...